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Entity > Abstract > Class > Relation > BinaryRelation > BinaryPredicate > prevents
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preventsdocumentation A very general Predicate. (prevents ?PROC1 ?PROC2) means that ?PROC1 prevents the occurrence of ?PROC2. In other words, if ?PROC1 is occurring in a particular time and place, ?PROC2 cannot occur at the same time and place. For example, innoculating prevents contracting disease. Note that this is a relation between types of Processes, not between instances2001-11-30 13:35:03.0
has domain1 Process2001-11-30 13:35:03.0
has domain2 Process2001-11-30 13:35:03.0
is an instance of BinaryPredicate2001-11-30 13:35:03.0
is an instance of IrreflexiveRelation2001-11-30 13:35:03.0
BinaryPredicatehas axiom
(instance ?REL BinaryPredicate)
(valence ?REL 2))
2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
IrreflexiveRelationhas axiom
(instance ?REL IrreflexiveRelation)
(forall (?INST)
(holds ?REL ?INST ?INST))))
2001-11-30 13:34:32.0
BinaryRelationis first domain of DomainFn2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is first domain of equivalenceRelationOn2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is first domain of inverse2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is first domain of irreflexiveOn2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is first domain of partialOrderingOn2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is first domain of RangeFn2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is first domain of reflexiveOn2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is first domain of totalOrderingOn2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is first domain of trichotomizingOn2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is second domain of inverse2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
Predicateis first domain of singleValued2001-11-30 13:35:02.0
Classis third domain of domain2001-11-30 13:33:51.0
is third domain of domainSubclass2001-11-30 13:33:51.0
Abstractis disjoint from Physical2001-11-30 13:33:32.0

Next BinaryPredicateproperlyFills    UpBinaryPredicate, IrreflexiveRelation    Previous BinaryPredicateprecondition