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Entity > Abstract > Class > Relation > BinaryRelation > AntisymmetricRelation > PartialOrderingRelation > part
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partdocumentation The basic mereological relation. All other mereological relations are defined in terms of this one. (part ?PART ?WHOLE) simply means that the Object ?PART is part of the Object ?WHOLE. Note that, since part is a ReflexiveRelation, every Object is a part of itself2001-11-30 13:34:54.0
has axiom
(properPart ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)
(part ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)
(part ?OBJ2 ?OBJ1))))
2001-11-30 13:34:54.0
has axiom
(attribute ?HOLE1 Fillable)
(exists (?HOLE2)
(instance ?HOLE2 Hole)
(part ?HOLE1 ?HOLE2))))
2001-11-30 13:34:54.0
has axiom
(overlapsSpatially ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)
(exists (?OBJ3)
(part ?OBJ3 ?OBJ1)
(part ?OBJ3 ?OBJ2))))
2001-11-30 13:34:54.0
has axiom
(instance ?OBJ SelfConnectedObject)
(exists (?PART)
(part ?PART ?OBJ)))
2001-11-30 13:34:54.0
has axiom
(hole ?HOLE ?OBJ1)
(part ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2))
(overlapsSpatially ?HOLE ?OBJ2)
(hole ?HOLE ?OBJ2)))
2001-11-30 13:34:54.0
has axiom
(hole ?HOLE1 ?OBJ)
(hole ?HOLE2 ?OBJ))
(forall (?HOLE3)
(part ?HOLE3 (MereologicalSumFn ?HOLE1 ?HOLE2))
(hole ?HOLE3 ?OBJ))))
2001-11-30 13:34:54.0
has axiom
(completelyFills ?OBJ1 ?HOLE)
(exists (?OBJ2)
(part ?OBJ2 ?OBJ1)
(fills ?OBJ2 ?HOLE))))
2001-11-30 13:34:54.0
has axiom
(partiallyFills ?OBJ ?HOLE1)
(exists (?HOLE2)
(part ?HOLE2 ?HOLE1)
(completelyFills ?OBJ ?HOLE2))))
2001-11-30 13:34:54.0
has axiom
(properlyFills ?OBJ ?HOLE1)
(exists (?HOLE2)
(part ?HOLE2 ?HOLE1)
(fills ?OBJ ?HOLE2))))
2001-11-30 13:34:54.0
has axiom
(surface ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)
(instance ?OBJ1 SelfConnectedObject)
(forall (?OBJ3)
(superficialPart ?OBJ3 ?OBJ2)
(part ?OBJ3 ?OBJ1)))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(equal ?OBJ3 (MereologicalDifferenceFn ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2))
(forall (?PART)
(part ?PART ?OBJ3)
(part ?PART ?OBJ1)
(part ?PART ?OBJ2))))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(equal ?OBJ3 (MereologicalProductFn ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2))
(forall (?PART)
(part ?PART ?OBJ3)
(part ?PART ?OBJ1)
(part ?PART ?OBJ2)))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(equal ?OBJ3 (MereologicalSumFn ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2))
(forall (?PART)
(part ?PART ?OBJ3)
(part ?PART ?OBJ1)
(part ?PART ?OBJ2)))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(forall (?OBJ3)
(part ?OBJ3 ?OBJ1)
(overlapsSpatially ?OBJ3 ?OBJ2)))
(part ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(instance ?ANAT AnatomicalStructure)
(exists (?ORGANISM)
(instance ?ORGANISM Organism)
(part ?ANAT ?ORGANISM))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(instance ?COLOR Pigment)
(exists (?ORGANISM)
(instance ?ORGANISM Organism)
(part ?COLOR ?ORGANISM))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(instance ?FOOD Food)
(exists (?NUTRIENT)
(instance ?NUTRIENT Nutrient)
(part ?NUTRIENT ?FOOD))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(instance ?PART BodyPart)
(exists (?CELL)
(instance ?CELL Cell)
(part ?CELL ?PART))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(instance ?PHRASE Phrase)
(exists (?PART1 ?PART2)
(part ?PART1 ?PHRASE)
(part ?PART2 ?PHRASE)
(instance ?PART1 Word)
(instance ?PART2 Word)
(not (equal ?PART1 ?PART2)))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(instance ?SENTENCE Sentence)
(exists (?PHRASE1 ?PHRASE2)
(instance ?PHRASE1 NounPhrase)
(instance ?PHRASE2 VerbPhrase)
(part ?PHRASE2 ?SENTENCE))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(instance ?STRING SymbolicString)
(exists (?PART)
(part ?PART ?STRING)
(instance ?PART Character))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(instance ?STUFF Tissue)
(exists (?PART)
(instance ?PART Cell)
(part ?PART ?STUFF))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(instance ?STUFF Tissue)
(exists (?ORGANISM)
(instance ?ORGANISM Organism)
(part ?STUFF ?ORGANISM))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(instance ?TEXT Text)
(exists (?PART1 ?PART2)
(part ?PART1 ?TEXT)
(part ?PART2 ?TEXT)
(instance ?PART1 Sentence)
(instance ?PART2 Sentence)
(not (equal ?PART1 ?PART2)))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(instance ?WALL CellWall)
(exists (?CELL)
(instance ?CELL Cell)
(part ?WALL ?CELL))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(instance ?WORD Word)
(exists (?PART)
(part ?PART ?WORD)
(instance ?PART Morpheme))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(instance ?COVER Covering)
(patient ?COVER ?OBJ))
(exists (?CONCEAL ?PART)
(instance ?CONCEAL Concealing)
(subProcess ?CONCEAL ?COVER)
(part ?PART ?OBJ)
(patient ?CONCEAL ?PART))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(instance ?STATE PhysicalState)
(part ?PART ?OBJ)
(holdsDuring ?TIME (attribute ?OBJ ?STATE)))
(exists (?OTHERSTATE)
(instance ?OTHERSTATE PhysicalState)
(holdsDuring ?TIME (attribute ?PART ?OTHERSTATE))
(not (equal ?STATE ?OTHERSTATE))))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(part ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)
(part ?OBJ2 ?OBJ1))
(equal ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(destination ?PROCESS ?DEST))
(forall (?OBJ)
(part ?OBJ ?PATH)
(between ?SOURCE ?OBJ ?DEST))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(subclass ?OBJECTTYPE Substance)
(part ?PART ?OBJECT))
(instance ?PART ?OBJECTTYPE))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(attribute ?OBJ Anhydrous)
(exists (?WATER)
(instance ?WATER Water)
(part ?WATER ?OBJ)))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(attribute ?OBJ Wet)
(forall (?PART)
(part ?PART ?OBJ)
(exists (?WATER)
(instance ?WATER Water)
(overlapsSpatially ?WATER ?PART)
(meetsSpatially ?WATER ?PART)))))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(contains ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)
(forall (?PART2)
(part ?PART2 ?OBJ2)
(exists (?PART1)
(interiorPart ?PART1 ?OBJ1)
(exactlyLocated ?PART2 ?PART1))))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(instance ?ELEMENT EngineeringElement)
(exists (?DEVICE)
(instance ?DEVICE Device)
(part ?ELEMENT ?DEVICE))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(instance ?FOOD Food)
(forall (?PART1)
(part ?PART1 ?FOOD)
(exists (?PART2 ?ORGANISM)
(part ?PART1 ?PART2)
(instance ?ORGANISM Organism))))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(instance ?MOLE Molecule)
(exists (?ATOM1 ?ATOM2)
(instance ?ATOM1 Atom)
(instance ?ATOM2 Atom)
(part ?ATOM1 ?MOLE)
(part ?ATOM2 ?MOLE)
(equal ?ATOM1 ?ATOM2)))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(instance ?MORPH Morpheme)
(exists (?WORD)
(instance ?WORD Word)
(part ?MORPH ?WORD))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(instance ?MORPH Morpheme)
(exists (?OTHERMORPH)
(instance ?OTHERMORPH Morpheme)
(not (equal ?OTHERMORPH ?MORPH))))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(instance ?ORGANISM ToxicOrganism)
(exists (?SUBSTANCE)
(instance ?SUBSTANCE ToxicSubstance)
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(instance ?SUBMOLE SubmolecularObject)
(exists (?MOLE)
(instance ?MOLE Molecule)
(part ?SUBMOLE ?MOLE))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(located ?OBJ ?REGION)
(forall (?SUBOBJ)
(part ?SUBOBJ ?OBJ)
(located ?SUBOBJ ?REGION))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(partlyLocated ?OBJ ?REGION)
(exists (?SUBOBJ)
(part ?SUBOBJ ?OBJ)
(exactlyLocated ?SUBOBJ ?REGION))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(instance ?PLANT Plant)
(exists (?COLOR ?PROC)
(part ?COLOR ?PLANT)
(instance ?COLOR Pigment)
(result ?COLOR ?PROC)
(instance ?PROC Photosynthesis))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has axiom
(overlapsPartially ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)
(part ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2))
(part ?OBJ2 ?OBJ1))))
2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has domain1 SelfConnectedObject2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
has domain2 SelfConnectedObject2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
is an instance of BinaryPredicate2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
is an instance of PartialOrderingRelation2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
is an instance of SpatialRelation2001-11-30 13:34:55.0
BinaryRelationis first domain of DomainFn2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is first domain of equivalenceRelationOn2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is first domain of inverse2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is first domain of irreflexiveOn2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is first domain of partialOrderingOn2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is first domain of RangeFn2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is first domain of reflexiveOn2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is first domain of totalOrderingOn2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is first domain of trichotomizingOn2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is second domain of inverse2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
Predicateis first domain of singleValued2001-11-30 13:35:02.0
Relationis first domain of domain2001-11-30 13:35:10.0
is first domain of domainSubclass2001-11-30 13:35:10.0
is first domain of holds2001-11-30 13:35:10.0
is first domain of subrelation2001-11-30 13:35:10.0
is first domain of valence2001-11-30 13:35:10.0
is second domain of subrelation2001-11-30 13:35:10.0
Classis third domain of domain2001-11-30 13:33:51.0
is third domain of domainSubclass2001-11-30 13:33:51.0
Abstractis disjoint from Physical2001-11-30 13:33:32.0

Next BinaryPredicatepartiallyFills    UpBinaryPredicate, PartialOrderingRelation, SpatialRelation    Previous BinaryPredicateparent