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Entity > Abstract > Class > Relation > BinaryRelation > AntisymmetricRelation > AsymmetricRelation > hasPurpose
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hasPurposedocumentation This Predicate expresses the concept of a conventional goal, i.e. a goal with a neutralized agent's intention. Accordingly, (hasPurpose ?THING ?FORMULA) means that the instance of Physical ?THING has, as its purpose, the Proposition expressed by ?FORMULA. Note that there is an important difference in meaning between the Predicates hasPurpose and result. Although the second argument of the latter can satisfy the second argument of the former, a conventional goal is an expected and desired outcome, while a result may be neither expected nor desired. For example, a machine process may have outcomes but no goals, aimless wandering may have an outcome but no goal; a learning process may have goals with no outcomes, and so on2001-11-30 13:34:23.0
has axiom
(instance ?PLAN Plan)
(exists (?PURP)
(hasPurpose ?PLAN ?PURP)))
2001-11-30 13:34:23.0
has axiom
(hasPurpose ?THING ?PURPOSE)
(exists (?AGENT)
(hasPurposeForAgent ?THING ?PURPOSE ?AGENT)))
2001-11-30 13:34:23.0
has axiom
(instance ?ORGAN Organ)
(exists (?PURP)
(hasPurpose ?ORGAN ?PURP)))
2001-11-30 13:34:23.0
has domain1 Physical2001-11-30 13:34:23.0
has domain2 Formula2001-11-30 13:34:23.0
is an instance of AsymmetricRelation2001-11-30 13:34:23.0
is an instance of BinaryPredicate2001-11-30 13:34:23.0
BinaryRelationis first domain of DomainFn2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is first domain of equivalenceRelationOn2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is first domain of inverse2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is first domain of irreflexiveOn2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is first domain of partialOrderingOn2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is first domain of RangeFn2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is first domain of reflexiveOn2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is first domain of totalOrderingOn2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is first domain of trichotomizingOn2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
is second domain of inverse2001-11-30 13:33:44.0
Predicateis first domain of singleValued2001-11-30 13:35:02.0
Classis third domain of domain2001-11-30 13:33:51.0
is third domain of domainSubclass2001-11-30 13:33:51.0
Abstractis disjoint from Physical2001-11-30 13:33:32.0

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