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Subject have relatedInternalConcept documentation have arg2 valence have arg1 valence have domain3 have domain2 have domain1 have axiom
age Simply relates an Object to a ConstantQuantity specifying the age of the ObjectsingleValued  TimeDuration 
(instance ?GROUP AgeGroup)
(forall (?MEMB1 ?MEMB2 ?AGE1 ?AGE2)
(member ?MEMB1 ?GROUP)
(member ?MEMB2 ?GROUP)
(age ?MEMB1 ?AGE1)
(age ?MEMB2 ?AGE2))
(equal ?AGE1 ?AGE2))))
agent (agent ?ACTION ?AGENT) means that the Agent ?AGENT voluntarily initiates ?ACTION. For example, Eve is an agent in the following proposition: Eve bit an apple   AgentProcess
(instance ?TRANS Transaction)
(exists (?AGENT1 ?AGENT2 ?GIVE1 ?GIVE2 ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)
(instance ?GIVE1 Giving)
(instance ?GIVE2 Giving)
(subProcess ?GIVE1 ?TRANS)
(subProcess ?GIVE2 ?TRANS)
(agent ?GIVE1 ?AGENT1)
(agent ?GIVE2 ?AGENT2)
(patient ?GIVE1 ?OBJ1)
(patient ?GIVE2 ?OBJ2)
(destination ?GIVE1 ?AGENT2)
(destination ?GIVE2 ?AGENT1)
(equal ?AGENT1 ?AGENT2))
(equal ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)))))
(instance ?BATTLE Battle)
(exists (?ATTACK)
(instance ?ATTACK Attack)
(subProcess ?ATTACK ?BATTLE))))
attribute (attribute ?OBJECT ?PROPERTY) means that ?PROPERTY is a Attribute of ?OBJECT. For example, (attribute MyLittleRedWagon Red)   AttributeObject
(attribute ?OBJ ?ATTR)
(manner ?OBJ ?ATTR)))
(equal (ExtensionFn ?ATTRIBUTE) ?CLASS)
(equal (AttributeFn ?CLASS) ?ATTRIBUTE))
completelyFills (completelyFills ?OBJ ?HOLE) means that the Hole ?HOLE fills some part of the Object ?OBJ. Note that if (completelyFills ?OBJ1 ?HOLE) and (part ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2), then (completelyFills ?OBJ2 ?HOLE)     
(partiallyFills ?OBJ ?HOLE1)
(exists (?HOLE2)
(part ?HOLE2 ?HOLE1)
(completelyFills ?OBJ ?HOLE2))))
component A specialized common sense notion of part for heterogeneous parts of complexes. (component ?COMPONENT ?WHOLE) means that ?COMPONENT is a component of ?WHOLE. Examples of component include the doors and walls of a house, the states or provinces of a country, or the limbs and organs of an animal. Compare material and piece, which are also subrelations of part   CorpuscularObjectCorpuscularObject
(instance ?VERT Vertebrate)
(exists (?SPINE)
(component ?SPINE ?VERT)
(instance ?SPINE SpinalColumn))))
connectsEngineeringComponents connectsEngineeringComponents is a TernaryPredicate that maps from an EngineeringConnection to the EngineeringComponents it connects. Since EngineeringComponents cannot be connected to themselves and there cannot be an EngineeringConnection without a connectedEngineeringComponents Predicate, the second and third arguments of any connectsEngineeringComponents relationship will always be distinct for any given first argument  EngineeringComponentEngineeringComponentEngineeringConnection
(instance ?CONNECTION EngineeringConnection)
(exists (?COMP1 ?COMP2)
(connectsEngineeringComponents ?CONNECTION ?COMP1 ?COMP2)))
diameter BinaryPredicate that is used to state the measure of a circular Object from side to side      
employs (employs ?ORG ?PERSON) means that ?ORG has hired ?PERSON and currently retains ?PERSON, on a salaried or contractual basis, to provide services in exchange for monetary compensation   CognitiveAgentOrganization
(instance ?PERSON UnemployedPerson)
(exists (?ORG)
(employs ?ORG ?PERSON))))
engineeringSubcomponent (engineeringSubcomponent ?SUB ?SUPER) means that the EngineeringComponent ?SUB is structurally a properPart ?SUPER. This relation is an AsymmetricRelation, since two EngineeringComponents cannot be subcomponents of each other   EngineeringComponentEngineeringComponent
(connectedEngineeringComponents ?COMP1 ?COMP2)
(engineeringSubcomponent ?COMP1 ?COMP2))
(engineeringSubcomponent ?COMP2 ?COMP1))))
exactlyLocated The actual, minimal location of an Object. This is a subrelation of the more general Predicate located     
(partlyLocated ?OBJ ?REGION)
(exists (?SUBOBJ)
(part ?SUBOBJ ?OBJ)
(exactlyLocated ?SUBOBJ ?REGION))))
father The general relationship of fatherhood. (father ?FATHER ?CHILD) means that ?FATHER is the biological father of ?CHILD singleValued  Animal
(parent ?PARENT ?CHILD)
(mother ?PARENT ?CHILD)
(father ?PARENT ?CHILD)))
height BinaryPredicate that is used to state the measure of an Object from its lowest point to its highest pointsingleValued     
(instance ?PROCESS Creation)
(exists (?PATIENT)
(existant ?PATIENT (ImmediateFutureFn(WhenFn ?PROCESS)))
(existant ?PATIENT (ImmediatePastFn (WhenFn ?PROCESS)))))))
(instance ?PROCESS Destruction)
(exists (?PATIENT)
(existant ?PATIENT (ImmediatePastFn(WhenFn ?PROCESS)))
(existant ?PATIENT (ImmediateFutureFn (WhenFn ?PROCESS)))))))
instrument (instrument ?EVENT ?TOOL) means that ?TOOL is used by an agent in bringing about ?EVENT and that ?TOOL is not changed by ?EVENT. For example, the key is an instrument in the following proposition: The key opened the door. Note that instrument and resource cannot be satisfied by the same ordered pair   ObjectProcess
(instance ?TRANS Transportation)
(exists (?DEVICE)
(instance ?DEVICE TransportationDevice)
(instrument ?TRANS ?DEVICE))))
interiorPart (interiorPart ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that ?OBJ1 is part ?OBJ2 and there is no overlap between ?OBJ1 and any superficialPart ?OBJ2     
(interiorPart ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)
(forall (?PART)
(superficialPart ?PART ?OBJ2)
(overlapsSpatially ?OBJ1 ?PART)))))
length BinaryPredicate that is used to state the measure of an Object from one point to another point along its surface   LengthMeasure  
manner (manner ?PROCESS ?MANNER) means that the Process ?PROCESS is qualified by the Attribute ?MANNER. The Attributes of Processes are usually denoted by adverbs and include things like the speed of the wind, the style of a dance, or the intensity of a sports competition   AttributeProcess
(attribute ?OBJ ?ATTR)
(manner ?OBJ ?ATTR)))
material (material ?SUBSTANCE ?OBJECT) means that ?OBJECT is structurally made up in part of ?SUBSTANCE. This relation encompasses the concepts of 'composed of', 'made of', and 'formed of'. For example, a particular instance of plastic is a material of my computer monitor. Note that material is a relation between two instances. If one wants to say that a CorpuscularObject is made up of a subclass of Substance, two assertions are necessary. For example, to say that my computer monitor is made out of the Substance plastic, one would write: (instance ThisPlastic Plastic) and (material ThisPlastic MyComputer). Compare 'component' and 'piece', which are also subrelations of part   CorpuscularObjectSubstance
(instance ?OBJ CorpuscularObject)
(subclass ?SUBSTANCETYPE1 Substance)
(subclass ?SUBSTANCETYPE2 Substance)
(material ?SUBSTANCE1 ?OBJ)
(material ?SUBSTANCE2 ?OBJ)
(not (equal ?SUBSTANCE1 ?SUBSTANCE2)))))
meetsSpatially (meetsSpatially ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that ?OBJ1 and ?OBJ2 are connected but that neither ?OBJ1 nor ?OBJ2 overlapsSpatially the other     
(meetsSpatially ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)
(overlapsSpatially ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)))
monetaryValue A BinaryPredicate that associates an Object with its value expressed as an instance of CurrencyMeasuresingleValued  CurrencyMeasure 
(equal (WealthFn ?PERSON) ?AMOUNT)
(monetaryValue (PropertyFn ?PERSON) ?AMOUNT))
mother The general relationship of motherhood. (mother ?MOTHER ?CHILD) means that ?MOTHER is the biological mother of ?CHILD singleValued  Animal
(parent ?PARENT ?CHILD)
(mother ?PARENT ?CHILD)
(father ?PARENT ?CHILD)))
overlapsPartially (overlapsPartially ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that ?OBJ1 and ?OBJ2 have part(s) in common, but neither ?OBJ1 nor ?OBJ2 is a part of the other     
(overlapsPartially ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)
(part ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2))
(part ?OBJ2 ?OBJ1))))
overlapsSpatially (overlapsSpatially ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that the Objects ?OBJ1 and ?OBJ2 have some parts in common. This is a reflexive and symmetric (but not transitive) relation     
(meetsSpatially ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)
(overlapsSpatially ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)))
partition A partition of a class C is a set of mutually disjoint classes (a subclass partition) which covers C. Every instance of C is an instance of exactly one of the subclasses in the partition      
piece A specialized common sense notion of part for arbitrary parts of Substances. Quasi-synonyms are: chunk, hunk, bit, etc. Compare the other subrelations of part, viz. component and material   SubstanceSubstance
(forall (?CLASS)
(instance ?SUBSTANCE1 ?CLASS)
(instance ?SUBSTANCE2 ?CLASS))))
(MeasureFn ?NUMBER Pound)
(MeasureFn (MultiplicationFn ?NUMBER 0.45359237) Kilogram))
(holds ?REL ?INST1 ?INST2 ?INST3 ?INST4 ?INST5)
(instance ?REL QuaternaryFunction))
(equal (AssignmentFn ?REL ?INST1 ?INST2 ?INST3 ?INST4) ?INST5))
resource (resource ?PROCESS ?RESOURCE) means that ?RESOURCE is present at the beginning of ?PROCESS, is used by ?PROCESS, and as a consequence is changed by ?PROCESS. For example, soap is a resource in the following proposition: the gun was carved out of soap. Note that resource differs from instrument, another subrelation of patient, in that it is structurally altered in some way by the Process   ObjectProcess
(exploits ?OBJ ?AGENT)
(exists (?PROCESS)
(resource ?PROCESS ?OBJ))))
result (result ?ACTION ?OUTPUT) means that ?OUTPUT is a product of ?ACTION. For example, house is a result in the following proposition: Eric built a house   ObjectProcess
(instance ?PLANT Plant)
(exists (?COLOR ?PROC)
(part ?COLOR ?PLANT)
(instance ?COLOR Pigment)
(result ?COLOR ?PROC)
(instance ?PROC Photosynthesis))))
subOrganizations (subOrganizations ?ORG1 ?ORG2) means that ?ORG1 is an Organization which is a proper part of the Organization ?ORG2   OrganizationOrganization
(instance ?NATION Nation)
(exists (?GOV)
(instance ?GOV Government)
(subOrganizations ?GOV ?NATION))))
subset (subset ?SET1 ?SET2) is true just in case the elements of the Set ?SET1 are also elements of the Set ?SET2   SetSet
(subset ?SUBSET ?SET)
(forall (?ELEMENT)
(element ?ELEMENT ?SUBSET)
(element ?ELEMENT ?SET))))
subsumedExternalConcept (subsumedExternalConcept ?STRING ?THING ?LANGUAGE) means that the SUMO concept ?THING is subsumed by the meaning of ?STRING in ?LANGUAGE, i.e. the concept ?THING is narrower in meaning than ?STRING     
(synonymousExternalConcept ?STRING ?THING ?LANGUAGE)
(subsumedExternalConcept ?STRING ?THING ?LANGUAGE)
(subsumingExternalConcept ?STRING ?THING ?LANGUAGE))))
subsumingExternalConcept (subsumingExternalConcept ?STRING ?THING ?LANGUAGE) means that the SUMO concept ?THING subsumes the meaning of ?STRING in ?LANGUAGE, i.e. the concept ?THING is broader in meaning than ?STRING     
(synonymousExternalConcept ?STRING ?THING ?LANGUAGE)
(subsumedExternalConcept ?STRING ?THING ?LANGUAGE)
(subsumingExternalConcept ?STRING ?THING ?LANGUAGE))))
superficialPart (superficialPart ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that ?OBJ1 is a part of ?OBJ2 that has no interior parts of its own (or, intuitively, that only overlaps those parts of ?OBJ2 that are externally connected with the geometric complement of ?OBJ2). This too is a transitive relation closed under MereologicalSumFn and MereologicalProductFn     
(interiorPart ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)
(forall (?PART)
(superficialPart ?PART ?OBJ2)
(overlapsSpatially ?OBJ1 ?PART)))))
surface (surface ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that ?OBJ1 is a maximally connected superficialPart of ?OBJ2     
(instance ?ATTRIBUTE TextureProperty)
(attribute ?OBJ ?ATTRIBUTE)
(surface ?SURFACE ?OBJ))
(attribute ?SURFACE ?ATTRIBUTE))
synonymousExternalConcept (synonymousExternalConcept ?STRING ?THING ?LANGUAGE) means that the SUMO concept ?THING has the same meaning as ?STRING in ?LANGUAGE     
(synonymousExternalConcept ?STRING ?THING ?LANGUAGE)
(subsumedExternalConcept ?STRING ?THING ?LANGUAGE)
(subsumingExternalConcept ?STRING ?THING ?LANGUAGE))))
synonymousInternalConcept (synonymousInternalConcept ?ENTITY1 ?ENTITY2) means that the SUMO concepts ?ENTITY1 and ?ENTITY2 are distinct and yet have the same meaning      
traverses (traverses ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) means that ?OBJ1 crosses or extends across ?OBJ2. Note that crosses and penetrates are subrelations of traverses     
(traverses ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)
(crosses ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)
(penetrates ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)))
trueTruthFnThe BinaryPredicate that relates a Sentence to its TruthValue   TruthValueSentence
(true ?FORMULA True))
width BinaryPredicate that is used to state the measure of an Object from side to side at its widest spansingleValued     

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