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Process comparison table
Subject have relatedInternalConcept documentation be disjoint from is a kind of be first domain of have axiom
AttachingPuttingA Process where the agent attaches one thing to something else. Note that this is different from Putting in that two things which are attached may already be in the same locationDetachingProcesssubProcess
(instance ?PROCESS Process)
(exists (?CAUSE)
(effector ?PROCESS ?CAUSE)))
Closing The Class of Processes where an aperture is closed in an Object ProcesssubProcess
(instance ?PROCESS Process)
(exists (?CAUSE)
(effector ?PROCESS ?CAUSE)))
Combining A Process where two or more things are combined into a single thing ProcesssubProcess
(instance ?PROCESS Process)
(exists (?CAUSE)
(effector ?PROCESS ?CAUSE)))
Communication A SocialInteraction that involves the transfer of information between two Agents via a ContentBearingObjectNonintentionalProcessSocialInteractionsubProcess
(instance ?ACTION Communication)
(exists (?OBJ)
(instance ?OBJ ContentBearingObject)
(patient ?ACTION ?OBJ))))
Competition A Process where the agent and patient are Agents who are trying to defeat one another. The Agents need not be CognitiveAgents. For example, the struggle of plants for space or sunlight, or of bacteria for food resources in some environment would be instances of Competition ProcesssubProcess
(instance ?PROCESS Process)
(exists (?CAUSE)
(effector ?PROCESS ?CAUSE)))
Covering The Class of Processes where the agent covers the patient, either completely or only partially, with something else ProcesssubProcess
(instance ?COVER Covering)
(patient ?COVER ?OBJ))
(exists (?CONCEAL ?PART)
(instance ?CONCEAL Concealing)
(subProcess ?CONCEAL ?COVER)
(part ?PART ?OBJ)
(patient ?CONCEAL ?PART))))
Creation The subclass of Process in which something is created. Note that the thing created is specified with the result CaseRole ProcesssubProcess
(instance ?ACTION Creation)
(exists (?RESULT)
(result ?ACTION ?RESULT)))
Damaging The Class of Processes where the agent brings about a situation where the patient no longer functions normally or as intended ProcesssubProcess
(instance ?INJ Injuring)
(instance ?INJ Damaging)
(patient ?INJ Organism)))
DecreasingRemovingIntuitively, the class of things that happen rather than endure. A Process is thought of as having temporal parts or stages, and so it cannot have all these parts together at one time (contrast Object). Examples include extended 'events' such as a football match or a race, events and actions of various kinds, states of motion and lifespans of Objects, which occupy the same space and time but are thought of as having stages instead of parts. The formal definition is: anything that lasts for a time but is not an Object. Note that a Process may have participants 'inside' it which are Objects, such as the players in a football match. In a 4D ontology, a Process is something whose spatiotemporal extent is thought of as dividing into temporal stages roughly perpendicular to the time-axis ProcesssubProcess
(instance ?DECREASE Decreasing)
(patient ?DECREASE ?OBJ))
(exists (?UNIT ?QUANT1 ?QUANT2)
(holdsDuring (ImmediatePastFn (WhenFn ?DECREASE)) (equal (MeasureFn ?OBJ ?UNIT) ?QUANT1))
(holdsDuring (ImmediateFutureFn (WhenFn ?DECREASE)) (equal (MeasureFn ?OBJ ?UNIT) ?QUANT2))
(lessThan ?QUANT2 ?QUANT1))))
Destruction The subclass of Process in which the patient (or an essential element of the patient) is destroyed ProcesssubProcess
(instance ?PROCESS Destruction)
(exists (?PATIENT)
(existant ?PATIENT (ImmediatePastFn(WhenFn ?PROCESS)))
(existant ?PATIENT (ImmediateFutureFn (WhenFn ?PROCESS)))))))
Detaching A Process where the agent detaches one thing from something else. Note that this is different from Removing in that neither of the two things which are detached may be removed from the location where it was attached ProcesssubProcess
(instance ?PROCESS Process)
(exists (?CAUSE)
(effector ?PROCESS ?CAUSE)))
Dressing The act of putting clothing on an Animal ProcesssubProcess
(instance ?PROCESS Process)
(exists (?CAUSE)
(effector ?PROCESS ?CAUSE)))
Drying The Class of Processes where water is removed from an Object ProcesssubProcess
(instance ?DRY Drying)
(patient ?DRY ?OBJ))
(holdsDuring (ImmediateFutureFn (WhenFn ?DRY))
(attribute ?OBJ Anhydrous)
(attribute ?OBJ Dry))))
Emitting Processes in which something is given off by something else ProcesssubProcess
(instance ?PROCESS Process)
(exists (?CAUSE)
(effector ?PROCESS ?CAUSE)))
Impacting The Class of Processes where something comes into sudden, forceful, physical contact with something else. Some examples would be striking, knocking, whipping etc ProcesssubProcess
(instance ?IMPACT Impacting)
(instrument ?IMPACT ?INST)
(patient ?IMPACT ?PLACE))
(holdsDuring (WhenFn ?IMPACT) (connected ?INST ?PLACE)))
IncreasingPuttingAny Process where a PhysicalQuantity associated with the patient is decreasedDecreasingProcesssubProcess
(instance ?INCREASE Increasing)
(patient ?INCREASE ?OBJ))
(exists (?UNIT ?QUANT1 ?QUANT2)
(holdsDuring (ImmediatePastFn (WhenFn ?INCREASE)) (equal (MeasureFn ?OBJ ?UNIT) ?QUANT1))
(holdsDuring (ImmediateFutureFn (WhenFn ?INCREASE)) (equal (MeasureFn ?OBJ ?UNIT) ?QUANT2))
(greaterThan ?QUANT2 ?QUANT1))))
IntentionalProcess A Process that is deliberately set in motion by a CognitiveAgentNonintentionalProcessProcesssubProcess
(instance ?PROC IntentionalProcess)
(exists (?AGENT)
(instance ?AGENT CognitiveAgent)
(agent ?PROC ?AGENT))))
Motion Any Process of movement Processpath
(instance ?MOTION Motion)
(patient ?MOTION ?OBJ)
(destination ?MOTION ?PLACE))
(holdsDuring (ImmediateFutureFn (WhenFn ?MOTION)) (located ?OBJ ?PLACE)))
NonintentionalProcess A Process that occurs irrespective of the intentions of Humans or Animals ProcesssubProcess
(instance ?PROCESS Process)
(exists (?CAUSE)
(effector ?PROCESS ?CAUSE)))
OpeningClosingThe Class of Processes where an aperture is created in an Object. Note that the aperture may be created intentionally, as when one opens a door, or unintentionally, as when the ground ruptures in a seismic event ProcesssubProcess
(instance ?PROCESS Process)
(exists (?CAUSE)
(effector ?PROCESS ?CAUSE)))
Separating A Process where something is disassembled into (some of) its partsCombiningProcesssubProcess
(instance ?PROCESS Process)
(exists (?CAUSE)
(effector ?PROCESS ?CAUSE)))
ShapeAlteration The act of changing the shape of an Object ProcesssubProcess
(instance ?PROC ShapeAlteration)
(patient ?PROC ?OBJ))
(attribute ?OBJ Pliable))
SurfaceAlteration The act of changing the appearance of the surface of an Object ProcesssubProcess
(instance ?PROCESS Process)
(exists (?CAUSE)
(effector ?PROCESS ?CAUSE)))
Wetting The Class of Processes where Water is added to an Object ProcesssubProcess
(instance ?WET Wetting)
(patient ?WET ?OBJ))
(holdsDuring (ImmediateFutureFn (WhenFn ?WET))
(attribute ?OBJ Wet)
(attribute ?OBJ Damp))))

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