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Entity > Physical > Process > Increasing
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Increasingdocumentation Any Process where a PhysicalQuantity associated with the patient is increased2001-11-30 13:34:29.0
documentation Any Process where a PhysicalQuantity associated with the patient is decreased2001-11-30 13:34:29.0
has axiom
(instance ?INCREASE Increasing)
(patient ?INCREASE ?OBJ))
(exists (?UNIT ?QUANT1 ?QUANT2)
(holdsDuring (ImmediatePastFn (WhenFn ?INCREASE)) (equal (MeasureFn ?OBJ ?UNIT) ?QUANT1))
(holdsDuring (ImmediateFutureFn (WhenFn ?INCREASE)) (equal (MeasureFn ?OBJ ?UNIT) ?QUANT2))
(greaterThan ?QUANT2 ?QUANT1))))
2001-11-30 13:34:29.0
has relatedInternalConcept Putting2001-11-30 13:34:29.0
is disjoint from Decreasing2001-11-30 13:34:29.0
is a kind of Process2001-11-30 13:34:29.0
Processis first domain of agent2001-11-30 13:35:04.0
is first domain of capability2001-11-30 13:35:04.0
is first domain of causes2001-11-30 13:35:04.0
is first domain of destination2001-11-30 13:35:04.0
is first domain of direction2001-11-30 13:35:04.0
is first domain of effector2001-11-30 13:35:04.0
is first domain of experiencer2001-11-30 13:35:04.0
is first domain of frequency2001-11-30 13:35:04.0
is first domain of hasSkill2001-11-30 13:35:04.0
is first domain of holdsObligation2001-11-30 13:35:04.0
is first domain of holdsRight2001-11-30 13:35:04.0
is first domain of inhibits2001-11-30 13:35:04.0
is first domain of instrument2001-11-30 13:35:04.0
is first domain of manner2001-11-30 13:35:04.0
is first domain of origin2001-11-30 13:35:04.0
is first domain of patient2001-11-30 13:35:04.0
is first domain of precondition2001-11-30 13:35:04.0
is first domain of prevents2001-11-30 13:35:04.0
is first domain of realization2001-11-30 13:35:04.0
is first domain of resource2001-11-30 13:35:04.0
is first domain of result2001-11-30 13:35:04.0
is first domain of subProcess2001-11-30 13:35:04.0
is second domain of causes2001-11-30 13:35:04.0
is second domain of inhibits2001-11-30 13:35:04.0
is second domain of precondition2001-11-30 13:35:04.0
is second domain of prevents2001-11-30 13:35:04.0
is second domain of subProcess2001-11-30 13:35:04.0

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