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Truncated Lattices


One of the most intriguing results in the fixed point theory of ordered sets is Baclawski and Björner's result that every   finite truncated noncomplemented lattice has the fixed point property. The original proof (cf. [7], Corollary 3.2) is quite complex (it ultimately goes back to the intricate topological arguments in [11], Theorem 3.2, resp. to the arguments in [5], Corollary 6.3) and seems to be not algorithmic. The reduction arguments of Constantin and Fournier can be used to give another proof of this result. Interestingly even though Baclawski and Björner's result is topological and should thus have analogues for the fixed simplex and the fixed clique property, we need to assume that we are working with ordered sets for this proof.


Baclawski and Björner's classical result now easily follows from:


Proof: The proof is an induction on tex2html_wrap_inline11162 , the lower x-radius of P, with x as in the definition of weak noncomplementedness from below. For tex2html_wrap_inline11170 there is nothing to prove as P has a largest element. Now assume that tex2html_wrap_inline11174 and the theorem holds for all weakly noncomplemented from below sets P with tex2html_wrap_inline11178 . Then tex2html_wrap_inline11180 is weakly noncomplemented from below and thus contractible. It is thus sufficient to verify that the conditions of Theorem 4.41 are satisfied. (This is again a nice exercise in the translations between ordered sets, graphs and simplicial complexes.) We can assume without loss of generality that n is even.
Let C be a chain in tex2html_wrap_inline11186 and let y be the largest element of C. Then there is a fence tex2html_wrap_inline11192 from x to y. We will now show that tex2html_wrap_inline11198 , which is contractible, thus concluding the proof: Let tex2html_wrap_inline11200 be such that tex2html_wrap_inline11202 is a chain. Then tex2html_wrap_inline11204 . Moreover since v is comparable to y we infer tex2html_wrap_inline11210 . Thus d(x,v)=n and thus tex2html_wrap_inline11214 . Conversely if tex2html_wrap_inline11214 , then d(x,v)=n, so tex2html_wrap_inline11200 . Moreover we must have v> y (otherwise tex2html_wrap_inline11224 ), which means that tex2html_wrap_inline11202 is a chain. \

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