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element comparison table
Subject has origin has occurrence has synthesis mechanism has desintegration energy is a kind of has state has group has decay product has definition
column grouped element    element a column number in the table of the elements  
gaseous element    elementgas at standard temperature and pressure   
light element    element   In astronomy these elements are hydrogen, helium, and lithium; sometimes also beryllium and boron.
liquid element    elementliquid at standard temperature and pressure  element which is in liquid form at standard temperature and pressure
metallic element    element    
metalloid element    element    
nonmetallic element    element    
planetary element in certain parts of planets  element   an element which occurs in certain parts of planets with varying concentration
radioactive element   the total energy produced when the particle decaysradioactive particle  the products produced immediately after decayan unstable radioactive element which has an excess or deficit of neutron relative to the stable element
supernova produced elementexploding core of a supernova   element   element heavier than iron produced within the core of an exploding supernova
synthetic element    element   element which cannot be found as a mineral deposit

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