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B Keywords


   UML keywords are reserved words that are an integral part of the UML notation and normally appear as text annotations attached to a UML graphic element or as part of a text line in a UML diagram. These words have special significance in the context in which they are defined and, therefore, cannot be used to name user-defined model elements where such naming would result in ambiguous interpretation of the model. For example, the keyword trace is a system-defined stereotype of Abstraction (see Annex C, Standard Stereotype s) and, therefore, cannot be used to define any user-defined stereotype.

   In UML, keywords are used for four different purposes:

   Keywords are always enclosed in guillemets («keyword»), which serve as visual cues to more readily distinguish when a keyword is being used. (Note that guillemets are a special kind of quotation marks and should not be confused with or replaced by duplicated greater than (>>) or less than (<<) symbols, except in situations where the available character set may not include guillemets.) In addition to identifying keywords, guillemets are also used to distinguish the usage of stereotypes defined in user profiles. This means that:

   If multiple keywords and/or stereotype names apply to the same model element, they all appear between the same pair of guillemets, separated by commas:

   « <label> [, <label>]* »


   <label> ::= <keyword> | <stereotype-label>

   Keywords are context sensitive and, in a few cases, the same keyword is used for different purposes in different contexts. For instance, the «create» keyword can appear next to an operation name to indicate that it as a constructor operation, and it can also be used to label a Usage dependency between two Classes to indicate that one Class creates instances of the other. This means that it is possible in principle to use a keyword for a user-defined stereotype (provided that it is used in a context that does not conflict with the keyword context). However, such practices are discouraged since they are likely to lead to confusion.

   The keywords currently defined as part of standard UML are specified in Table B.1, sorted in alphabetical order. The following is the interpretation of the individual columns in this table:

   1) If the entry contains the name of a UML metaclass, this indicates that the keyword is simply used toidentify the corresponding metaclass.

   2) If the entry is a constraint (usually but not necessarily an OCL expression), it specifies a constraint that applies to metamodel elements that are tagged with that keyword.

Issue 8459 - remove ‘1,’ since standard stereotypes start at L2

   3)If the entry is in the form standard stereotype:L<x>, where <x> = 2, or 3, it means that the keyword represents a stereotype that is defined at compliance level. In those cases, the more detailed description of the semantics can be found in Appendix C, Standard Stereotype s.

   • Notation Placement indicates where the keyword appears (see further explanations below). The following conventions are used to specify the notation placement:

   1) box header means that the keyword appears in the name compartment of a classifier rectangle.

   2) list-box header means that the keyword is used as a header on a list box appearing as part of a classifier specification.

   3) dashed-line label means that the keyword is used as a label on some dashed line, such as a Dependency .

   4) inline label means that the keyword appears as part of a text line (usually at the front), such as an attribute definition.

   5) between braces means that the keyword appears between curly brackets (similar to the constraint notation) and is used to select the value of some property of a metaclass.

   6) swimlane header means that the keyword appears as the header of a swimlane in an activity diagram.

Issue 8459 - change all references to level L1 to level L2

Table B.1 - UML Keywords


Language Unit

Metamodel Element


Notation Placement

abstraction Classes Abstraction Abstraction box header
access Classes PackageImport (visibility <> #public) dashed-line label
activity Activities Activity Activity box header
actor Use Cases Actor Actor box header
after CommonBehaviors TimeEvent isRelative = true Inline label
all CommonBehaviors AnyReceiveEvent Any event Inline label
apply Profiles ProfileApplication Package::appliedProfile-> collect(ap | ap.importedProfile) dashed-line label
artifact Deployments Artifact Artifact box header
artifacts Deployments Component list-box header
at CommonBehaviors TimeEvent isRelative = false Inline label
attribute Activities ActivityPartition :: represents ActivityPartition ::represents ->forAll(r | r.oclIsKindOf(Property)) swimlane header
auxiliary Classes Classifier standard stereotype:L2 box header
Issue 8606 fix capitalization buildComponent Components Component standard stereotype:L3 box header
call Classes Usage standard stereotype:L2 dashed-line label
centralBuffer Activities CentralBufferNode CentralBufferNode box header
class Activities ActivityPartition :: represents ActivityPartition ::represents ->forAll(r | r.oclIsKindOf(Class)) swimlane header
component Components Component Component box header
create Classes Usage standard stereotype:L2 dashed-line label
create Classes BehavioralFeature standard stereotype:L2 (constructor) inline label on operation
create CompositeStructures Dependency Applies only to dependencies between an InstanceSpec and Parameter of an operation, indicating a return parameter of an Operation that is a constructor. dashed-line label
datastore Activities DataStoreNode DataStoreNode box header
datatype Classes DataType DataType box header

Table B.1 - UML Keywords


Language Unit

Metamodel Element


Notation Placement

delegate Components Connector Connector::kind = #delegation connector label
deploy Deployments Connector delegation connector dashed-line label
deployment spec Deployments Deployment Specification DeploymentSpecification box header
derive Classes Abstraction standard stereotype:L2 dashed-line label
destroy Classes BehavioralFeature standard stereotype:L2 inline label on operation
device Deployments Device Device box header
document Deployments Artifact standard stereotype:L2 box header
element access Classes ElementImport not (visibility = #public) dashed-line label
element import Classes ElementImport visibility = #public dashed-line label
entity Components Component standard stereotype:L2 (business concept) box header
enumeration Classes Enumeration Enumeration box header
executable Deployments Artifact standard stereotype:L2 box header
executionEnvironment Deployments ExecutionEnvironment ExecutionEnvironment box header
extend Use Cases Extend Extend dashed-line label
extended State Machines Region Region ::extendedRegion ->notEmpty() between braces
extended State Machines StateMachine StateMachine::redefinedBehavior-> notEmpty() between braces
external Activities ActivityPartition ActivityPartition ::isExternal = true swimlane header
file Deployments Artifact standard stereotype:L2 box header
focus Classes Class standard stereotype:L2 box header
framework Classes Package standard stereotype:L2 box header
from CommonBehaviors Trigger to show port name inline label
implement Components Component standard stereotype:L2 box header
implementationClass Classes Class standard stereotype:L2 box header
import Classes PackageImport visibility = #public dashed-line label
include Use Cases Include Include dashed-line label
information Auxiliary::Information-Flows InformationItem InformationItem box header
instantiate Classes Dependency Dependency dashed-line label

Table B.1 - UML Keywords


Language Unit

Metamodel Element


Notation Placement

instantiate Classes Usage standard stereotype:L2 dashed-line label
interface Classes Interface Interface box header
library Deployments Artifact standard stereotype:L2 box header
localPostcondition Actions Constraint Action::localPostcondition box header
localPrecondition Actions Constraint Action::localPrecondition box header
manifest Deployments Manifestation Manifestation dashed-line label
merge Classes PackageMerge PackageMerge dashed-line label
metaclass Profiles Classifier metaclass being stereotyped box header
metamodel Auxiliary::Models Model standard stereotype:L3 box header
model Auxiliary::Models Model Model box header
modelLibrary Classes Package standard stereotype:L2 box header
multicast Activities ObjectFlow ObjectFlow ::isMulticast flow label
multireceive Activities ObjectFlow ObjectFlow ::isMultireceive flow label
occurrence CompositeStructures Collaboration (Behavior::context) from a Collaboration to the owning BehavioredClassifier, indicating that the collaboration represents the use of a classifier. dashed-line label
postcondition Activities Constraint Behavior::postcondition box header
precondition Activities Constraint Behavior::precondition box header
primitive Classes PrimitiveType PrimitiveType box header
process Components Component standard stereotype:L2 box header
profile Profiles Profile Profile box header
provided interfaces Components Component Component::provided list-box header
realization Classes Classifier standard stereotype:L2 box header
realizations Components Component Component::realizations->collect(r | r.realizingClassifier) list-box header
Issue 8706 -add entry reference Profiles ElementImport Profile::metaclassReference dashed-line label
Issue 8706 -add entry reference Profiles PackageImport Profile::metamodelReference dashed-line label
refine Classes Abstraction standard stereotype:L2 dashed-line label

Table B.1 - UML Keywords


Language Unit

Metamodel Element


Notation Placement

representation Auxiliary::Information-Flows Classifier InformationFlow::conveyed dashed-line label
represents CompositeStructures Collaboration (Behavior::context) from a Collaboration to the owning BehavioredClassifier; collaboration is USED in the classifier dashed-line label
required interfaces Components Component Component::required list-box header
responsibility Classes Usage standard stereotype:L2 dashed-line label
script Deployments Artifact standard stereotype:L2 box header
selection Activities Behavior ObjectFlow ::selection box header
selection Activities Behavior ObjectNode::selection box header
send Classes Usage standard stereotype:L2 dashed-line label
service Components Component standard stereotype:L2 box header
signal CommonBehaviors Signal Signal box header
singleExecution Activities Activity Activity::isSingleExecution = true inside box
source Deployments Artifact standard stereotype:L2 box header
specification Components Classifier standard stereotype:L2 box header
statemachine State Machines BehavioredClassifier:: ownedBehavior BehavioredClassifier::ownedBehavior. oclIsKindOf(StateMachine) box header
stereotype Profiles Stereotype Stereotype box header
structured Activities StructuredActivity Node StructuredActivityNode box header
substitute Classes Substitution Substitution dashed-line label
subsystem Components Component standard stereotype:L2 box header
systemModel Auxiliary::Models Model standard stereotype:L3 box header
trace Classes Abstraction standard stereotype:L2 dashed-line label
transformation Activities Behavior ObjectFlow ::transformation box header
type Classes Class standard stereotype:L2 box header
use Classes Usage Usage dashed-line label
utility Classes Class standard stereotype:L2 box header
when CommonBehaviors ChangeEvent ChangeEvent ::changeExpression inline label