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18.3.3 ExtensionEnd


   An extension end is used to tie an extension to a stereotype when extending a metaclass.





   ExtensionEnd is a kind of Property that is always typed by a Stereotype .An ExtensionEnd is never navigable. If it was navigable, it would be a property of the extended classifier. Since a profile

   is not allowed to change the referenced metamodel, it is not possible to add properties to the extended classifier. As a consequence, an ExtensionEnd can only be owned by an Extension.The aggregation of an ExtensionEnd is always composite.The default multiplicity of an ExtensionEnd is 0..1.


   No additional attributes


Issue 8600 -replace ‘Property’ by ‘TypedElement ’ in subset constraint

type: Stereotype [1] References the type of the ExtensionEnd . Note that this association restricts the possible types

of an ExtensionEnd to only be Stereotype s. {Redefines TypedElement ::type}.

   [1] The multiplicity of ExtensionEnd is 0..1 or 1.

   (self->lowerBound() = 0 or self->lowerBound() = 1) and self->upperBound() = 1

   [2] The aggregation of an ExtensionEnd is composite.

   self.aggregation = #composite

   Additional Operations

Issue 8600 -clarify lower bound rule

   [1] The query lowerBound() returns the lower bound of the multiplicity as an Integer. This is a redefinition of the default lower bound, which, if empty, normally evaluates to 1 for MulticplicityElements.

Issue 8081 -Remove erroneous set of square brackets.

   ExtensionEnd ::lowerBound() : Integer;lowerBound = if lowerValue->isEmpty() then 0 else lowerValue->IntegerValue() endif


   No additional semantics


   No additional notation


   See Class (from Profiles ) on page 683.

   Changes from previous UML

    ExtensionEnd did not exist as a metaclass in UML 1.4. See Class (from Profiles ) on page 683 for further details.