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TernaryPredicate comparison table
Subject have domain3 have domain2 have arg3 valence have domain1 documentation have axiom have relatedInternalConcept
betweenObjectObject Object(between ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2 ?OBJ3) means that ?OBJ2 is spatially located between ?OBJ1 and ?OBJ3
(between ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2 ?OBJ3)
(left ?OBJ2 ?OBJ1)
(left ?OBJ1 ?OBJ3)))
capabilityObjectCaseRole Process(capability ?PROCESS ?ROLE ?OBJ) means that ?OBJ has the ability to play the role of ?ROLE in Processes of type ?PROCESS
(hasSkill ?PROC ?AGENT)
(capability ?PROC agent ?AGENT))
connectsObjectObject ObjectThe relationship between three things, when one of the three things connects the other two. More formally, (connects ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2 ?OBJ3) means that (connected ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2) and (connected ?OBJ1 ?OBJ3) and not (connected ?OBJ2 ?OBJ3)
(instance ?POKE Poking)
(agent ?POKE ?AGENT)
(patient ?POKE ?OBJ)
(instrument ?POKE ?INST))
(holdsDuring (WhenFn ?POKE) (connects ?INST ?AGENT ?OBJ)))
distanceLengthMeasurePhysicalsingleValuedPhysical(distance ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2 ?QUANT) means that the shortest distance between the two objects ?OBJ1 and ?OBJ2 is ?QUANT
(instance ?REL TernaryPredicate)
(valence ?REL 3))
domainClassPositiveInteger RelationProvides a computationally and heuristically convenient mechanism for declaring the argument types of a given relation. The formula (domain ?REL 3 ?CLASS) says that the 3rd element of each tuple in the relation ?REL is an instance of ?CLASS. Specifying argument types is very helpful in maintaining ontologies. Representation systems can use these specifications to classify terms and check integrity constraints. If the restriction on the argument type of a Relation is not captured by a Class already defined in the ontology, one can specify a Class compositionally with the functions UnionFn, IntersectionFn, etc
(forall (?INT) (domain exhaustiveDecomposition ?INT Class))
domainSubclassClassPositiveInteger RelationPredicate used to specify argument type restrictions of Predicates. The formula (domainSubclass ?REL 3 ?CLASS) says that the 3rd element of each tuple in the relation ?REL is a subclass of ?CLASS
(domainSubclass ?REL 3 ?CLASS)
(forall (?INST1 ?INST2 ?INST3)
(holds ?REL ?INST1 ?INST2 ?INST3)
(subclass ?INST3 ?CLASS))))
hasPurposeForAgentAgentFormula PhysicalExpresses a cognitive attitude of an agent with respect to a particular instance of Physical. More precisely, (hasPurposeForAgent ?THING ?FORMULA ?AGENT) means that the purpose of ?THING for ?AGENT is the proposition expressed by ?FORMULA. Very complex issues are involved here. In particular, the rules of inference of the first order predicate calculus are not truth-preserving for the second argument position of this Predicate
(wants ?AGENT ?OBJ)
(exists (?PURP)
(hasPurposeForAgent ?OBJ ?PURP ?AGENT)))
occupiesPositionOrganizationPosition CognitiveAgent(occupiesPosition ?PERSON ?POSITION ?ORG) means that ?PERSON holds the Position ?POSITION at Organization ?ORG. For example, (occupiesPosition TomSmith ResearchDirector AcmeLaboratory) means that TomSmith is a research director at Acme Labs
(occupiesPosition ?PERSON ?POSITION ?ORG)
(employs ?ORG ?PERSON))
orientationDirectionAttributeObject ObjectA general Predicate for indicating how two Objects are oriented with respect to one another. For example, (orientation ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2 North) means that ?OBJ1 is north of ?OBJ2, and (orientation ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2 Vertical) means that ?OBJ1 is positioned vertically with respect to ?OBJ2
(instance ?REL TernaryPredicate)
(valence ?REL 3))
relatedExternalConceptLanguageSymbolicString EntityUsed to signify a three-place relation between a concept in an external knowledge source, a concept in the SUMO, and the name of the other knowledge source
(instance ?REL TernaryPredicate)
(valence ?REL 3))
representsForAgentAgentEntity PhysicalA very general predicate. (representsForAgent ?THING ?ENTITY ?AGENT) means that the ?AGENT chooses to use the instance of Physical ?THING to 'stand for' ?ENTITY
(representsInLanguage ?REP ?ENTITY ?LANGUAGE)
(exists (?AGENT)
(representsForAgent ?REP ?ENTITY ?AGENT)))
representsInLanguageLanguageEntity PhysicalA very general predicate. (representsInLanguage ?THING ?ENTITY ?LANGUAGE) means that the instance of Physical ?THING stands for ?ENTITY in the language ?LANGUAGE
(representsInLanguage ?REP ?ENTITY ?LANGUAGE)
(exists (?AGENT)
(representsForAgent ?REP ?ENTITY ?AGENT)))
temporallyBetweenTimePointTimePoint TimePoint(temporallyBetween ?POINT1 ?POINT2 ?POINT3) means that the TimePoint ?POINT2 is between the TimePoints ?POINT1 and ?POINT3, i.e. ?POINT1 is before ?POINT2 and ?POINT2 is before ?POINT3
(instance ?POINT TimePoint)
(not (equal ?POINT NegativeInfinity)))
(exists (?OTHERPOINT)
(temporallyBetween NegativeInfinity ?OTHERPOINT ?POINT)))
temporallyBetweenOrEqualTimePointTimePoint TimePoint(temporallyBetweenOrEqual ?POINT1 ?POINT2 ?POINT3) means that the TimePoint ?POINT1 is before or equal to the TimePoint ?POINT2 and ?POINT2 is before or equal to the TimePoint ?POINT3
(temporallyBetweenOrEqual ?POINT1 ?POINT2 ?POINT3)
(beforeEq ?POINT1 ?POINT2)
(beforeEq ?POINT2 ?POINT3)))

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