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Object comparison table
Subject have relatedInternalConcept be third domain of documentation be second domain of be first domain of have axiom
Agent representsForAgentSomething or someone that can act on its own and produce changes in the worldusesWealthFn
(instance ?GIVE Giving)
(agent ?GIVE ?AGENT1)
(destination ?GIVE ?AGENT2)
(instance ?AGENT2 Agent)
(patient ?GIVE ?OBJ))
(holdsDuring (ImmediatePastFn (WhenFn ?GIVE)) (possesses ?AGENT1 ?OBJ))
(holdsDuring (ImmediateFutureFn (WhenFn ?GIVE)) (possesses ?AGENT2 ?OBJ))))
Collection connectsCollections have members like Classes, but, unlike Classes, they have a position in space-time and members can be added and subtracted without thereby changing the identity of the Collection. Some examples are toolkits, football teams, and flocks of sheepsubCollectionsubCollection
(instance ?COLL Collection)
(exists (?OBJ)
(member ?OBJ ?COLL)))
ContentBearingObjectcontainsInformationconnectsAny Object that expresses informationsubsumesContentInstancesubsumesContentInstance
(realization ?PROCESS ?PROP)
(exists (?OBJ)
(instance ?OBJ ContentBearingObject)
(containsInformation ?OBJ ?PROP))))
Food connectsAny Object containing Nutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, that can be ingested by a living Organism and metabolized into energy and body tissuewantsuses
(instance ?OBJ Food)
(exists (?ATTR)
(instance ?ATTR TasteProperty)
(attribute ?OBJ ?ATTR))))
SelfConnectedObject connectsA SelfConnectedObject is any Object that does not consist of two or more disconnected partspartpart
(equal ?OBJ1 (PrincipalHostFn ?HOLE))
(forall (?OBJ2)
(overlapsSpatially ?OBJ2 ?OBJ1)
(exists (?OBJ3)
(hole ?HOLE ?OBJ3)
(instance ?OBJ3 SelfConnectedObject)
(overlapsSpatially ?OBJ2 ?OBJ3))))))

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