Study the fundamental concepts of 3D computer graphics indepedent of rendering approach and graphics API. Gain a precise understanding of the rasterization pipeline that formes the basis of most rendering approaches today. Apply the knowledge both through a higher-level API and a low-level API. Students will gain enough applied knowledge to readily add 3D content to various applications and they will gain the fundamentals to study more advanced concepts in the future.
Interactive computer graphics. Display data structures and procedures. Graphics pipeline. Geometric transformations. Viewing in three dimensions. Illumination and color models. Object modelling in 2D and 3D.
See the official descripton in the University of Ottawa calendar.
The course material will be covered in in-person lectures, labs and tutorials, as well as asynchronous course material. Additional resources in form of textbooks and on-line references are listed below. Attendance of and participation in lectures and labs is mandatory. The course will be using group work and interactive student feedback using Virtual Campus (Brightspace) and Microsoft Teams. You must make sure that you can access these resources. You are expected to answer questions during lectures. The asynchronous teaching material will be sequences and will require you to answer quiz questions correctly. This is motivated by wanting to help you to learn and to retain the material better (and hopefully enjoy learning it more). The quizzes are not marked and can be repeated multiple times. You are also reminded that you need to comply with the Faculty of Engineering rule of minimum attendance of 80% of lectures (see the marking scheme below).
Course notes will be made available through Virtual Campus(BrightSpace), see a tentative list of topics with relevant chapters of the textbook.
Student evaluation will be based on a final evaluation as well as an on-line midterm and on-line lab quizzes delivered through Virtual Campus (BrightSpace), three programming assignments and a final assignment including mandatory in-class presentation. For scheduling, please see BrightSpace.
The maximum is 100 marks*) with the following breakdown:
On-line lab quizzes | 10 marks |
Assignments (3) | 9 + 9 + 8 = 26 marks |
Final Assignment (incl. in-class presentation, groups of 4) | 20 marks |
On-line midterm quiz | 14 marks |
Final exam | 30 marks |
Except in programs and courses for which language is a requirement, all students have the right to produce their written work and to answer examination questions in the official language of their choice, regardless of the course’s language of instruction.
The midterm is scheduled to take place during class time on Virtual Campus
Monday, February 12th, 2025, 8:30-9:50
Note: The final exam mark will not overwrite the midterm mark(s).
Attendance at the midterm exam is mandatory. Absence from the midterm on medical grounds or due to exceptional personal circumstances, must be reported by submitting the online Declaration of Absence from an Examination form within the three (3) following working days of the examination. A student with a justified absence during the midterm will have the final scaled accordingly. In this case, the student may not receive 25% of his/her final grade by the drop date.
Class attendance is mandatory. As per academic regulations, students who do not attend 80% of the class may not be allowed to write the final examinations.
All components of the course (i.e., assignments, midterms, etc.) must be fulfilled otherwise students may receive an INC as a final mark (equivalent to an F). This also holds for a student who is taking the course for the second time.
You may find the use of AI-based tools useful for writing code in your assignments. Any code that is not your own, i.e., looked-up from a webpage with a browser or through the use of a LLM must be clearly marked in your code. You must add a comment which indicates the source and clearly mark the start and end of the section. Remember source code is covered by copyright. Please see below for regulations on submitting work that is not your own.
Any form of academic misconduct including on an assignment will be reported. If it is found that (parts of) an assignment submission is copied, it will result in an automatic zero for the assignment. The TAs and myself are using software that identifies code and text similarity including Ouriginal automatically.
For any misconduct the university regulation on academic integrity and academic misconduct applies. The plagiarism rules explains academic integrity for students. Please familiarize yourself with them.