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physical object > natural object > particle > element > gaseous element > hydrogen > deuterium
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(D, 2H, hydrogen 2)
deuteriumhas symbol D2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has symbol 2H2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has natural abundance 0.015 %2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has NMR frequency 15.351 MHz where 1H = 100 MHz; 2.3488 T2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has nuclear quadrupole moment 2.860 × 10-31 m22001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has magnetogyric ratio 4.1064 × 107 rad T-1 s-12001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has NMR receptivity 8.2 × 10-313C = 1.002001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has relative NMR sensitivity 9.65 × 10-3 where 1H = 1.002001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has nuclear magnetic moment μ = 0.85743762001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has nuclear spin I = 12001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has number of nucleons 22001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has number of neutrons 12001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has atomic mass 22001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has space group P63/mmc for h.c.p.2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has space group Fm3m for cubic2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has space group I4 for tetragonal2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has crystal cell dimension a = 360.0, c = 585.8 pm for h.c.p.2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has crystal cell dimension a = 509.2 pm for cubic2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has crystal cell dimension a = 338, c = 560 pm for tetragonal2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has crystal type h.c.p. for h.c.p.2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has crystal type cubic for cubic2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has crystal type tetragonal for tetragonal2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has synonym hydrogen 22001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has synonym hydrogen 22001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has oceanic D H ratio 1.6 × 10-4has source: Hopkins, J. 1976 Glossary of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago Press, 2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has solar D H ratio < 10-6has source: Hopkins, J. 1976 Glossary of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago Press, 2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has interstellar space D H ratio 1.4 × 10-5has source: Hopkins, J. 1976 Glossary of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago Press, 2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has uses Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, water containing deuterium instead of ordinary hydrogen is used as a moderator in nuclear reactors2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has definition A rare heavy isotope of hydrogen. Believed to be the first compound nucleus formed in the infant universe. It was discovered in interstellar space in 1965. Because deuterium is quickly destroyed in nuclear reactions, one view is that most of the deuterium in the universe is primordial.has source: Lightman, A., Brawer, R. 1990 The Lives and Worlds of Modern Cosmologists, Harvard University PressHopkins, J. 1976 Glossary of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago Press, 2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
is an instance of hydrogenhas URL:, 2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
hydrogenhas stable isotope hydrogen 1, deuterium2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has lethal intake non-toxic2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has reserves almost limitless2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has main mining area2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has mineral water2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has neutron scattering length -0.37390 × 10-12 cm2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has electron affinity 72.8 kJ mol-1 from H to H-2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has toxic intake non-toxic2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has mass magnetic susceptibility -2.50 × 10-8 kg-1 m3 for gas2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has van der Waals radii 120 pm2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has covalent radii 30 pm2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has thermal neutron capture cross section 0.3326 barns2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has longest lived isotope hydrogen 12001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has isotope mass range 1 to 32001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has number of isotopes 32001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has pronunciation hy-dro-jen2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has name origin hydro genes = water forming from Greek2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has discovery location London, England2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has abundance 1 in Sun relative to H = 1 × 10122001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has abundance 1520 p.p.m. in Earth's crust2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has abundance 0.5 p.p.m. by volume in Earth's atmosphere2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has abundance main constituent of water; some dissolved H2 in seawater2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has specimen small pressurized canisters. Warning !2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has world production 350 × 109 m3 year-1 as H2 gas2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has chief source natural methane gas2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has mass absorption coefficient 0.435 cm2 g-1 for CuKα X-ray diffraction2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has mass absorption coefficient 0.380 cm2 g-1 for MoKα X-ray diffraction2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has atomic emission line 434.047 nm for H I2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has atomic emission line 486.133 nm for H I2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has atomic emission line 656.272 nm for H I2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has atomic emission line 656.285 nm for H I (strong)2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has atomic emission line 1875.10 nm for H I2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has term symbol 2S1/2 in ground state2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has electron configuration 1s1 in ground state2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has mass of element in person 7 kg for a 70 kg average person2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has daily dietary intake mainly as water2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has level in humans constituent of water in blood2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has level in humans 52000 p.p.m. in bone2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has level in humans 93000 p.p.m. in liver2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has level in humans 93000 p.p.m. in muscle2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has hazard flammable and explosive when mixed with air; can asphyxiate if it excludes oxygen from lungs2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has biological role constituent element of DNA. Component of water, essential to life.2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has thermal conductivity 0.1815 W m-1 K-1 at 300 K for gas2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has molar volume 13.26 cm32001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has heat capacity 28.824 J K-1 mol-1 for molecular gas (H2) at constant pressure 0.1 MPa at 298.15 K2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has heat capacity 20.784 J K-1 mol-1 for atomic gas at constant pressure 0.1 MPa at 298.15 K2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has heat of vaporization 0.46 kJ mol-12001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has heat of fusion 0.12 kJ mol-12001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has boiling point 20.28 K2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has melting point 14.01 K2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has electronegativity 2.20 Pauling2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has relative atomic mass 1.00794 in units of 12C = 12.0002001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has ionic radii 0.00066 pm for H+2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has ionic radii 154 pm for H-2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has atomic radii 78 pm2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has number of protons 12001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has registry number 1333-74-0 for Chemical Abstracts System databasehas URL:, 2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has density 76.0 kg m-3 for solid at 11 K2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has density 70.8 kg m-3 for liquid at 20.28 K boiling point2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has density 0.08988 for gas at 273 K2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has synthesis mechanism CH4 + 2H2O = 3H2 + CO (main production mechanim)2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has synthesis mechanism electrolysis of brine using a mercury amalgam cell (minor production mechanism)2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has synthesis mechanism steam flowing over red hot coke produces H2 and CO (minor production mechanism)2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has ocean oxidation state I2001-09-27 09:28:27.0
has atomic number 12001-09-27 09:28:47.0
reacts with air explosively2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has discovery date 17662001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has discoverer H. Cavendish2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has Spanish translation hidrogeno2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has Italian translation idrogeno2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has German translation Wasserstoff2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has French translation hydrogene2001-09-27 09:28:48.0
has triple point temperature 13.96 K at 7.2 kPa2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has image 2001-09-27 09:28:32.0
has critical pressure 1297 kPa2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
has critical temperature 33.35 K2001-09-27 09:28:47.0
unclassified oceanic elementhas ocean residence time unknown2001-09-27 09:28:26.0
has ocean concentration unknown2001-09-27 09:28:26.0
atmophile elementhas occurrence atmosphere of a planet or asteroid2001-09-27 09:28:26.0
gaseous elementhas state gas at standard temperature and pressure2001-09-27 09:28:25.0
elementis a part of Universe2001-09-27 09:32:17.0
particleobeys uncertainty principle2001-09-27 09:28:02.0
has frequency inversely proportional to the wavelength2001-09-27 09:28:02.0
has wavelength inversely proportional to its momentum2001-09-27 09:28:02.0
has charge2001-09-27 09:28:01.0
has mass2001-09-27 09:28:02.0
physical objecthas location or center of gravity2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has angular momentum2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has velocity2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has momentum2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has temperature2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has volume2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has extent2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has material2001-09-27 09:27:27.0

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