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11.3.37 ReadStructuralFeatureAction


   ReadStructuralFeatureAction is a structural feature action that retrieves the values of a structural feature.



    StructuralFeatureAction (from IntermediateActions ) on page 297.


   This action reads the values of a structural feature in order if the structural feature is ordered.


   No additional attributes


   • result : OutputPin [1..1] Gives the output pin on which the result is put. (Subsets Action::output)


   [1] The type and ordering of the result output pin are the same as the type and ordering of the structural feature.

   self.result.type = self.structuralFeature.type

   and self.result.ordering = self.structuralFeature.ordering

   [2] The multiplicity of the structural feature must be compatible with the multiplicity of the output pin.



Issue 8036 -Clarify semantics of read actions; specify that the order of retrieved collections is preserved in

   the values of the output pin.

   The values of the structural feature of the input object are placed on the output pin of the action. If the feature is an association end, the semantics are the same as reading links of the association with the feature as the open end. The type and ordering of the output pin are the same as the specified structural feature. The order of the retrieved values in the output pin is the same as the ordering of the values of the structural feature. The multiplicity of the structural feature must be compatible with the multiplicity of the output pin. For example, the modeler can set the multiplicity of this pin to support multiple values even when the structural feature only allows a single value. This way the action model will be unaffected by changes in the multiplicity of the structural feature.


   No specific notation

   ReadStructuralFeatureAction is introduced to retrieve the values of a structural feature.

*Changes from previous UML

   ReadStructuralFeatureAction is new in UML 2.0. It generalizes ReadAttributeAction from UML 1.5.