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11.1 Overview

*Basic Concepts

Issue 8770 - replace third sentence

   An action is the fundamental unit of behavior specification. An action takes a set of inputs and converts them into a set of outputs, though either or both sets may be empty. This chapter defines semantics for a number of specialized actions, as described below. Some of the actions modify the state of the system in which the action executes. The values that are the inputs to an action may be described by value specifications, obtained from the output of actions that have one output (in StructuredActions ), or in ways specific to the behaviors that use them. For example, the activity flow model supports providing inputs to actions from the outputs of other actions.

   Actions are contained in behaviors, which provide their context. Behaviors provide constraints among actions to determine when they execute and what inputs they have. The Actions chapter is concerned with the semantics of individual, primitive actions.

Issue 8144 - restore ‘Operations’ instead of ‘operation calls’; other fixes

   Basic actions include those that perform operation calls, signal sends, and direct behavior invocations. Operations are specified in the model and can be dynamically selected only through polymorphism. Signals are specified by a signal object, whose type represents the kind of message transmitted between objects, and can be dynamically created. Note that operations may be bound to activities, state machine transitions, or other behaviors. The receipt of signals may be bound to activities, state machine transitions, or other behaviors.

*Intermediate Concepts

Issue 8144 - fix miscellaneous typos

   The intermediate level describes the various primitive actions. These primitive actions are defined in such a way as to enable the maximum range of mappings. Specifically, a primitive action either carries out a computation or accesses object memory, but never both. This approach enables clean mappings to a physical model, even those with data organizations different from that suggested by the specification. In addition, any re-organization of the data structure will leave the specification of the computation unaffected.

   A surface action language would encompass both primitive actions and the control mechanisms provided by behaviors. In addition, a surface language may map higher-level constructs to the actions. For example, creating an object may involve initializing attribute values or creating objects for mandatory associations. The specification defines the create action to only create the object, and requires further actions to initialize attribute values and create objects for mandatory associations. A surface language could choose to define a creation operation with initialization as a single unit as a shorthand for several actions.

   A particular surface language could implement each semantic construct one-to-one, or it could define higher-level, composite constructs to offer the modeler both power and convenience. This specification, then, expresses the fundamental semantics in terms of primitive behavioral concepts that are conceptually simple to implement. Modelers can work in terms of higher-level constructs as provided by their chosen surface language or notation.

   The semantic primitives are defined to enable the construction of different execution engines, each of which may have different performance characteristics. A model compiler builder can optimize the structure of the software to meet specific performance requirements, so long as the semantic behavior of the specification and the implementation remain the same. For example, one engine might be fully sequential within a single task, while another may separate the classes into different processors based on potential overlapping of processing, and yet others may separate the classes in a client-server, or even a three-tier model.

   The modeler can provide hints to the execution engine when the modeler has special knowledge of the domain solution that could be of value in optimizing the execution engine. For example, instances could—by design—be partitioned to match the distribution selected, so tests based on this partitioning can be optimized on each processor. The execution engines are not required to check or enforce such hints. An execution engine can either assume that the modeler is correct, or just ignore it. An execution engine is not required to verify that the modeler’s assertion is true.

   When an action violates aspects of static UML modeling that constrain runtime behavior, the semantics is left undefined. For example, attempting to create an instance of an abstract class is undefined - some languages may make this action illegal, others may create a partial instance for testing purposes. The semantics are also left undefined in situations that require classes as values at runtime. However, in the execution of actions the lower multiplicity bound is ignored and no error or undefined semantics is implied. (Otherwise it is impossible to use actions to pass through the intermediate configurations necessary to construct object configurations that satisfy multiplicity constraints.) The modeler must determine when minimum multiplicity should be enforced, and these points cannot be everywhere or the configuration cannot change.

   Invocation Actions

   More invocation actions are defined for broadcasting signals to the available universe and transmitting objects that are not signals.

   Read Write Actions

   Objects, structural features, links, and variables have values that are available to actions. Objects can be created and destroyed; structural features and variables have values; links can be created and destroyed, and can reference values through their ends; all of which are available to actions. Read actions get values, while write actions modify values and create and destroy objects and links. Read and write actions share the structures for identifying the structural features, links, and variables they access.

   Object actions create and destroy objects. Structural feature actions support the reading and writing of structural features. The abstract metaclass StructuralFeatureAction statically specifies the structural feature being accessed. The object to access is specified dynamically, by referring to an input pin on which the object will be placed at runtime. The semantics for static features is undefined. Association actions operate on associations and links. In the description of these actions, the term associations does not include those modeled with association classes, unless specifically indicated. Similarly, a link is not a link object unless specifically indicated. The semantics of actions that read and write associations that have a static end is undefined.

Issue 8144 -minor typos and rewording for clarification

   Value specifications cover various expressions ranging from implementation-dependent constants to complex expressions, with side-effects. An action is defined for evaluating these. Also see ValuePin (from BasicActions ) on page 301.

*Complete Concepts

   The major constructs associated with complete actions are outlined below.

   228 UML Superstructure Specification, v2.0

   Read Write Actions

   Additional actions deal with the relation between object and class and link objects. These read the instances of a given classifier, check which classifier an instance is classified by, and change the classifier of an instance. Link object actions operate on instances of association classes. Also the reading and writing actions of associations are extended to support qualifiers.

   Other Actions

   Actions are defined for accepting events, including operation calls, and retrieving the property values of an object all at once. The StartClassifierBehaviorAction provides a way to indicate when the classifier behavior of a newly created object should begin to execute.

*Structured Concepts

   These actions operate in the context of activities and structured nodes. Variable actions support the reading and writing of variables. The abstract metaclass VariableAction statically specifies the variable being accessed. Variable actions can only access variables within the activity of which the action is a part. An action is defined for raising exceptions and a kind of input pin is defined for accepting the output of an action without using flows.