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Entity > Abstract > Class > Relation > BinaryRelation > AntisymmetricRelation > PartialOrderingRelation > subsumesContentClass
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subsumesContentClass comparison table
Subject have domain2 have domain1 be first domain of documentation have axiom is a kind of is an instance of
BinaryPredicate  singleValuedA Predicate relating two items - its valence is two
(instance ?REL BinaryPredicate)
(valence ?REL 2))
PartialOrderingRelation  trichotomizingOnA BinaryRelation is a partial ordering if it is a ReflexiveRelation, an AntisymmetricRelation, and a TransitiveRelation
(instance ?REL TransitiveRelation)
(forall (?INST1 ?INST2 ?INST3)
(holds ?REL ?INST1 ?INST2)
(holds ?REL ?INST2 ?INST3))
(holds ?REL ?INST1 ?INST3))))
subsumesContentClassContentBearingObjectContentBearingObjectsingleValuedA BinaryPredicate that relates two subclasses of ContentBearingObject. (subsumesContentClass ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2) means that the content expressed by each instance of ?CLASS1 is also expressed by each instance of ?CLASS2. Examples include the relationship between a poem and one of its stanzas or between a book and one of its chapters. Note that this is a relation between subclasses of ContentBearingObject, rather than instances. If one wants to relate instances, the Predicate subsumesContentInstance can be used. Note that subsumesContentClass is needed in many cases. Consider, for example, the relation between the King James edition of the Bible and its Book of Genesis. This relation holds for every copy of this edition and not just for a single instance
(subsumesContentClass ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2)
(forall (?INFO ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2)
(instance ?OBJ1 ?CLASS1)
(instance ?OBJ2 ?CLASS2)
(containsInformation ?OBJ1 ?INFO))
(containsInformation ?OBJ2 ?INFO))))

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