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Entity > Abstract > Class > Relation > Function > FunctionQuantity > ElectricPotentialMeasure > Volt
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Voltdocumentation SI ElectricPotentialMeasure. Symbol: V. It is the difference of electric potential between two points of a conducting wire carrying a constant current of 1 Ampere, when the power dissipated between these points is equal to 1 Watt. Volt = W/A = m^2*kg*s^(-3)*A^(-1)2001-11-30 13:35:33.0
has axiom
(MeasureFn ?NUMBER MicroVolt)
(MeasureFn (MultiplicationFn ?NUMBER 0.000001) Volt))
2001-11-30 13:35:33.0
has axiom
(MeasureFn ?NUMBER MilliVolt)
(MeasureFn (MultiplicationFn ?NUMBER .001) Volt))
2001-11-30 13:35:33.0
is an instance of ElectricPotentialMeasure2001-11-30 13:35:33.0
is an instance of SystemeInternationalUnit2001-11-30 13:35:33.0
UnitOfMeasureis second domain of MeasureFn2001-11-30 13:35:31.0
Functionis first domain of AssignmentFn2001-11-30 13:34:18.0
is first domain of closedOn2001-11-30 13:34:18.0
is first domain of range2001-11-30 13:34:18.0
is first domain of rangeSubclass2001-11-30 13:34:18.0
PhysicalQuantityis partitioned into ConstantQuantity, FunctionQuantity2001-11-30 13:34:58.0
Classis third domain of domain2001-11-30 13:33:51.0
is third domain of domainSubclass2001-11-30 13:33:51.0
Abstractis disjoint from Physical2001-11-30 13:33:32.0