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Entity > Physical > Process > NonintentionalProcess > BiologicalProcess > PathologicProcess > Injuring > Poisoning

Poisoning comparison table
Subject documentation is a kind of have axiom
InjuringA traumatic wound or injury caused by an external agent or force. Since no injury is possible without some biologic function which affects the organism being injured, it is a subclass of BiologicalProcessPathologicProcess
(instance ?INJ Injuring)
(exists (?STRUCT)
(instance ?STRUCT AnatomicalStructure)
(patient ?INJ ?STRUCT))))
PoisoningA Poisoning is caused by an external substance. Since Poisoning is not possible without some biologic function which affects the Organism being injured, it is a subclass of BiologicalProcessInjuring
(instance ?POISON Poisoning)
(exists (?SUBSTANCE)
(instance ?SUBSTANCE ToxicSubstance)
(instrument ?POISON ?SUBSTANCE))))
