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(Web browser)
browserhas procedure for handling applets:
  1. the browser finds the applet tag
  2. the browser creates an instance of the applet's class
  3. the browser sets the size of the applet based on the size specified in the applet tag
  4. the applet is connected to the browser
  5. the browser calls the init method of the applet
  6. the browser calls the start method of the applet
  7. the runtime system sends events to the applet
  8. the browser sends the stop method of the applet
  9. the browser calls the destroy method of the applet
added by: DS, source: Sun Java Tutorial, 2001-10-19 11:36:13.0
is a synonym of Web browseradded by: JK, 2001-10-19 11:36:13.0