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bear cub comparison table
Subject kill by stay with have Order name is a kind of have scientific name weigh sleep in have length have lifespan have parasites swim by hibernate be born during open eyes at be naked have colour have picture use by have population have habitat be blind have Family name
baby mammal   mammal                  
bear cub   baby mammal                  
black bear cub its mother for 16-17 monthsOrder Carnivorablack bearUrsus americanus Pallas225 g at birtha den during the winter15-20 cm at birth25 or 30 yearstapeworms and roundworms         heavily wooded areas and dense bushland Family Ursidae
grizzly bear cub its mother until June of its third yearOrder Carnivoragrizzly bearUrsus arctos Linnaeus a den during the winter up to 25 years   January or February  nearly white or ivory yellow to black  1200 in Alberta, 6500 in British Columbia, 4000-5000 in the Northwest Territories, 5000-8000 in the Yukon in 1985  Family Ursidae
polar bear cubhumans, killer whale, male walrusits mother for a year and a halfOrder Carnivorapolar bearUrsus maritimusless than 1 kg at birth 30 cm at birth  paddling only with its front feet  6 weeks of ageat birthcreamy whiteInuit for food and clothing southern broken edge of the arctic ice packat birthFamily Ursidae

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