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grizzly bear cub
grizzly bear cubis born during January or February    has source: Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada. Reproduced with permission of the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2000, 2000-10-27 10:26:32.0
is a kind of bear cubhas source: Banfield, A.W.F. 1974. The Mammals of Canada. University of Toronto Press., 2000-10-27 10:26:33.0
is a kind of grizzly bearhas source: Banfield, A.W.F. 1974. The Mammals of Canada. University of Toronto Press., 2000-10-27 10:26:33.0
stays with its mother until June of its third year    has source: Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada. Reproduced with permission of the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2000, 2000-10-27 10:26:33.0
grizzly beardoes not hibernate2000-10-27 10:26:32.0
has colour nearly white or ivory yellow to black2000-10-27 10:26:32.0
has lifespan up to 25 years2000-10-27 10:26:32.0
has population 1200 in Alberta, 6500 in British Columbia, 4000-5000 in the Northwest Territories, 5000-8000 in the Yukon in 19852000-10-27 10:26:32.0
has scientific name Ursus arctos Linnaeus2000-10-27 10:26:32.0
sleeps in a den during the winter2000-10-27 10:26:32.0
bearhas Family name Family Ursidae2000-10-27 10:26:16.0
mammalis warm-blooded2000-10-27 10:26:37.0
may catch rabies2000-10-27 10:26:37.0
carnivorehas Order name Order Carnivora2000-10-27 10:26:23.0
is carnivorous or omnivorous2000-10-27 10:26:23.0