  Research interests
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  Publication record
  Academic activities
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   Dec 1
Journal paper accepted
The paper "Efficient Detection of Faulty Nodes with Cuckoo Search in t-Diagnosable Systems" has been accepted for publication at the Applied Soft Computing journal.

 Nov 18
Award received
Rafael has been selected as the recipient of the 2014 MITACS & NRC-IRAP Award for Commercialization.

   Aug 15
Conference paper accepted
The paper "Risk Management with Hard-Soft Data Fusion in Maritime Domain Awareness" has been accepted for presentation at the 2014 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defense Applications (IEEE CISDA 2014)

   Jun 1st
Conference paper  accepted
The paper "Vessel Tracking and Anomaly Detection using Level 0/1 and High-Level Information Fusion Techniques" has been accepted for presentation at the 6th International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications (SOFA 2014).

   May 13
R&D project awarded
Larus Technologies was awarded a 2-year R&D Mitacs Accelerate Cluster to develop "Risk Aware Decision Support Systems for Critical Infrastructure Protection and Territorial Security"

Research Interests
To give you an idea of what my research interests have been thus far, I created this word cloud from the titles of all my publications (last updated November 2013):

This word cloud was created from the titles of my articles

In my early years as a researcher, I got introduced to the fascinating world of Computational Intelligence techniques, particularly to associative neural networks and their hybridization with case-based reasoning and fuzzy logic. My master's thesis was concerned with the development of NeuroEvaluator, a computational platform that analyzed several associative neural network models (and their parametric as well as feature definition configuration) and recommended the most suitable one for a given problem. I also investigated on rough sets and knowledge-based clustering, more specifically on collaborative fuzzy clustering and partially supervised rough clustering.

During my doctoral studies, I focused on the design and development of robot-assisted wireless sensor networks, an emergent research area stemming from the integration between wireless sensor networks and multi-robot systems. Several centralized and distributed algorithmic solutions were proposed to novel problems such as robot-assisted focused coverage (have mobile robots surround a geographical point of interest with multiple hexagonal layers of static sensors) and robot-assisted coverage repair (have mobile robots replace damaged sensors with passive, redundant ones already deployed in the monitoring field). A risk management framework was also put forth to account for a more realistic assessment of the damaged sensor nodes. I was able to apply Computational Intelligence techniques such as evolving fuzzy clustering, swarm intelligence and evolutionary optimization to the resolution of these challenges. You may want to download the poster "Artificial Ant Colonies for Coverage Repair in Wireless Sensor and Robot Networks" to gain a better understanding of this topic.

After graduating from the PhD program in Computer Science, I am happily working in the private sector as a research scientist, currently pursuing innovative solutions (mainly from a Computational Intelligence angle) to realistic problems in the domains of high-level information fusion, maritime domain awareness, anomaly detection and risk management.

I am always eager to engage in scientific collaborations with other academic or industrial partners that feel the type of research being conducted is relevant to their needs.

Copyright © Rafael Falcon | All Rights