CSI5388: Topics in Machine Learning


Nathalie Japkowicz

Office: STE 5029
E-mail: nat@site.uottawa.ca
Telephone: 562-5800 ext. 6693 (Note: e-mail is more reliable)

Meeting Times and Locations

Office Hours and Locations

Calendar Description

Machine Learning or data Mining are the areas of Artificial Intelligence concerned with the problem of building computer programs that automatically improve with experience. This course will focus on advanced issues from these fields. Issues such as Feature Selection, Class Imbalances, Cost-sensitivity, One-class learning, Classifier Combination, Performance Evaluation and Visualization (and other topics) will be discussed in depth. Students will be expected to read and critique articles from the recent literature, make two presentations, and propose and complete a research project.


CSI5387, although the course can be taken with permission from the instructor (Permission will be granted if the book entitled "Machine Learning" by Tom Mitchell (see below) has been read and well understood prior to taking the course).


Machine Learning is the area of Artificial Intelligence concerned with the problem of building computer programs that automatically improve with experience. This course will cover, in depth, some advanced topics in the field.

The course will consist of a mixture of regular lectures and student presentations. The regular lectures will cover broad introductions to some of the major areas of research currently under investigation. The student presentations will be of two kinds. Students will be evaluated as follows:

Topics Covered



A compilation of selected research papers from the recent literature.


Course Support:

Machine Learning Ressources on the Web: