CSI5388, Winter 2005


Schedule et Sign-up Sheet for Presentations


[Note: every student must sign up for a paper presentation (2 papers, 35 minutes) and a theme presentation (45 minutes); there will also be a project presentation on the last day of classes, but you are automatically signed up for it J]


January 12:

            Lectures: - Neural Networks

-         Evaluation

Presentations: No presentations this week


January 19:

            Lecture: Genetic Algorithms


                        - Paper Presentation 1: Evaluation [2 papers from Week 2, 35 minutes]

                                                              Presenter: William Elazmeh

                        - Paper Presentation 2: Genetic Algorithms [2 papers from Week 3, 35


                                                               Presenter: Jim Nuyens


January 26:

            Lecture:   -    Unsupervised Learning

-         Radial-Basis Functions

Presentations: No presentations this week


February 2:

            Lecture: Library Research (Presentation by a Librarian) è Room: MRT 144


                        - Paper Presentations 1: Unsupervised Learning [2 papers from Week 4,

                                        35 minutes]

                                        Presenter: Thomas Fletcher

                         - Paper Presentation 2: Combination of Supervised and Unsupervised

   Learning [2 papers from Week 5, 35 minutes]

   Presenter: William Elazmeh (Extra! ThanksJ)


February 9:

Lecture: No Lecture


-         Theme Presentation 1: Evaluating Unsupervised Learning [45 minutes]

Presenter:Thomas Fletcher

-         Paper Presentation: Genetic Programming [45 minutes]

Presenter: Joe Burpee

-         Theme Presentation 3: Transduction [45 minutes]

Presenter: Olivier Henchiri



February 16:

            Lecture: No Lecture


-         Theme Presentation: Topics in Feature Selection

       Presenter: Joe Burpee

-         Paper Presentation: Feature Selection [2 papers from Week 7, 35 minutes]

Presenter: Olivier Henchiri

-         Theme Presentation: Feature Selection for SVM [45 minutes]

Presenter: Wenhui Li


February 23: STUDY BREAK


March 2:

            Lecture: Single Class Learning


-         Paper Presentation: Single Class Learning [2 papers from Week 9, 35 minutes]

Presenter: Cui Shwyang

-         Theme Presentation: Survey of Single-Class Learning or ‘Choose your own Topic’

        Presenter: Pengsheng Xi


March 9:

            Lecture: Class Imbalance Problem


-         Paper Presentation: Class Imbalance Problem [2 papers from Week 10, 35 minutes]

Presenter: Hui Li

-         Theme Presentation: ‘Choose your Topic’ [45 minutes]

Presenter: Cui Shwyang


March 16:

            Lecture: Support Vector Machines & Set Covering Machines


-         Paper Presentation: SVM, [2 papers from Week 11, 35 minutes]

Presenter: Wenhui Li

-         Theme Presentation: Class Imbalance vs. Cost-Sensitive Learning [45 minutes]

Presenter: Hui Li








March 23:

            Lecture: Combination of Classifiers


-         Paper Presentation: Combination of Classification, [2 papers from Week 12, 35 minutes]

Presenter: Pengcheng Xi

-         Theme Presentation: Recent Advances in the Combination of Classifiers

Presenter: William Elazmeh


March 30:



April 6:

            Lecture: No Lecture

            Presentations:            - Project Presentations

                                                - Presenters: Everyone [15 minutes]