2019 INTERNATIONAL TOPICAL MEETING ON MICROWAVE PHOTONICS (MWP2019) The 2019 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP 2019) was held from October 7 to 10, 2019 in Shaw Centre, Ottawa, Canada. Over 150 people from over 20 countries joined the 3.5 day meeting. Three student papers were selected to receive the best student paper awards: 1. Yannick Salamin, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Paper title: 300 GHz plasmonic receiver 2. Sebastian Dulme, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, Paper title: 300 GHz photonic self-mixing imaging-system with vertical illuminated triple-transit-region photodiode terahertz emitters 3. Zhiqiang Fan, University of Ottawa, Canada, Paper title: Widely tunable parity-time-symmetric optoelectronic oscillator based on a silicon microdisk resonator PROGRAM AT A GLANCE FINAL PROGRAM (PDF) MOBILE-FRIENDLY VERSION OF PROGRAM Microwave photonics (MWP) is concerned with the use of photonic devices, systems and techniques for applications in microwave, millimetre-wave, and THz wave engineering, and also encompasses the development of high-speed photonic components for microwave system applications. The field is continuing to experience significant growth, fuelled by the recent interest and development in integrated microwave photonics and microwave/millimetre-wave photonics for 5G applications and beyond. Topics include (but are not limited to):
Call for Post-Deadline Papers The deadline for post-deadline paper submission is 6:00 pm on Monday October 7, 2019. Submissions will be reviewed by the TPC and authors will be notified of acceptance by email on Tuesday October 8, 2019. All accepted post-deadline papers will be presented on Thursday afternoon during the post-deadline paper Session. Please submit the PDF version of your manuscript to the TPC chair at lawrence.chen@mcgill.ca. Please indicate in your email subject line "MWP2019 PDP submission" Please refer to the INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS to prepare your manuscript. Oral presentation guidelines Please take note of the following information that may be useful in preparing your oral presentation: All presentations will be in a WIDESCREEN format. To take full advantage of the widescreen format, we recommend that you build or convert your presentation to 16:9. We strongly recommend using Microsoft Office PowerPoint for your presentation. Please note that the conference computers are being supplied with PowerPoint 2013. SPEAKER READY DESK All speakers are required to check in at the Speaker Ready Desk to upload their presentation at least 1 hour prior to the start of their session. The staff will be available to answer your questions and to help you upload your presentation from your USB memory stick. If your presentation includes video files, further to uploading it at the Speaker Ready Desk, please use a Coffee or lunch break at least 30 minutes prior to the start of your session to go to the room where your lecture will take place to make sure that it will run smoothly on the conference computers. Speaker Ready Desk Schedule: Tuesday October 8, 2019, from 7:15 to 19:30 Wednesday October 9, 2019, from 8:00 to 17:00 Thursday October 10, 2019, from 8:00 to 15:00 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |