The marking scheme can be found on the main course page.

Study Guide for Midterms and Final Exams

The following list gives an indication of the topics for the midterm or exam questions.

  1. Storage classes (auto, static, extern, const)
  2. Pointers
  3. Arrays and pointer to arrays
  4. Pass by value, pass by reference, pass by address
  5. Memory allocation (new and delete)
  6. Function pointers

  7. Structures, classes, attributes and methods
  8. Class constructors and destructors
  9. Copy constructor, type conversion, and assignment
  10. Inheritance (private, protected, public)
  11. Polymorphism, virtual methods and abstract classes

  12. Multiple inheritance
  13. Class relationship (association, aggregation, generalization)
  14. Exception handling
  15. Lambdas and functors
  16. Template functions and classes
  17. Operator overloading
  18. Generic containers (std ::vector, std ::array, std::string)
  19. Associative container (std::map, std::set, std::multimap, std::multiset)
  20. Iterator
  21. Generic algorithms
  22. Smart pointers
  23. Move constructor and move assignment
  24. Function binding
  25. Type traits