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Phase 4: Positioning of edges


Start and end points of edges must be adjacent to the border of the corresponding nodes. These points at the border are called edge ports. There are several strategies to calculate edge ports:

Figure 18: Edge Port Distribution

In the proper hierarchy, long edges are split into small edge segments and dummy nodes. This ensures that edges rarely cross nodes, because the dummy nodes don't overlap other nodes. Two situations may occur:

Due to the node positioning algorithm, the edge segments at a dummy node have (nearly) the same gradient. In this case, the dummy node can be removed and the edge can be replaced by a long segment that across several levels.

Figure 19: Bending of Edges

Figure 20: Spline Layout of PERT Chart

On the other hand, it may happen that a short edge segment still crosses a node. Then additional bend points are needed. This is the case if edges start at small nodes which are close to large nodes (Fig 19, left). It is obvious that for an edge (v,w) between adjacent layers, at most two additional bend points are needed (Fig 19, middle). As a variant, we can calculate for each angular edge two additional bend points such that the edge segments are oriented strictly horizontally or vertically. Then we get an orthogonal layout (Fig 19, right). It is important that horizontal and vertical edges should not share segments, because otherwise the flow of the edges is not well visible. [Sa96a] presents a plane sweep method for the calculation of the additional bend points in time tex2html_wrap_inline2788 where k is the number of rows of horizontal edge segments between layer i and layer i+1.

The final result is a routing of edges such that edges never cross nodes. The drawing of an edge is a polygon. [Sa94] and [GKN93] present methods to convert this polygon into a sequence of splines with smooth transitions instead of bend points. Fig. 20 shows a PERT chart with spline edges.

Figure 21: Neighbored Nodes

Figure 22: Annotated Syntax Tree

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Georg Sander
Thu Aug 1 15:27:34 PDT 1996