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Cancellation Conditions

By the late 1960's, weak-order additive representations for infinite X with nice uniqueness properties were well understood (Fishburn 1970, Krantz et al. 1971), but two noticeable gaps existed for finite-X representations. The first concerned conditions that imply nice uniqueness structures comparable to those of some infinite-X representations. This was partly rectified by the late 1980's in a series of papers surveyed in Fishburn and Roberts (1989).

The second gap concerned Cancellation. To focus this concern, we reformulate Cancellation from subsection 2.2 as a sequence of conditions based on the number J of distinct pairs tex2html_wrap_inline1949 involved in (5). The condition for J is denoted by C(J).

C(J): For every sequence tex2html_wrap_inline1957 of distinct members of tex2html_wrap_inline1959 and corresponding sequence tex2html_wrap_inline1961 of positive integers such that


it is false that tex2html_wrap_inline1533 for tex2html_wrap_inline1967 and tex2html_wrap_inline1537 for some j.

Condition C(1) is vacuous since its hypotheses require tex2html_wrap_inline1975 , and C(2) is tantamount to the first-order independence condition which says that if tex2html_wrap_inline1979 and if every tex2html_wrap_inline1981 appears in tex2html_wrap_inline1983 and same number of times it appears in tex2html_wrap_inline1985 , then tex2html_wrap_inline1987 . An example for tex2html_wrap_inline1989 that satisfies C(2) is the linear order


but this violates C(3) because


In this example, tex2html_wrap_inline1999 and tex2html_wrap_inline2001 , and so forth.

The tex2html_wrap_inline2003 in C(J) are used for repetitions of the same (x,y) pair in the sequence tex2html_wrap_inline2009 , tex2html_wrap_inline2011 of Cancellation, which is clearly equivalent to the conjunction of tex2html_wrap_inline2013 . Our concern for Cancellation is the smallest J such that every weak-ordered set tex2html_wrap_inline2017 of a given size has an additive representation if it satisfies C(2) through C(J). We revert here to the product formulation of multiattribute preference, which applies also to comparative probability when tex2html_wrap_inline2023 for all i and an event is characterized by the vector tex2html_wrap_inline2027 which has tex2html_wrap_inline2029 if state i is in the event and tex2html_wrap_inline2033 otherwise.

We define the size of X, or of tex2html_wrap_inline2017 , as the n-tuple tex2html_wrap_inline2041 for which tex2html_wrap_inline2043 for each i. To avoid trivial tex2html_wrap_inline1463 , we assume along with tex2html_wrap_inline1461 that tex2html_wrap_inline2051 for all i. We then define tex2html_wrap_inline2055 as the smallest positive integer tex2html_wrap_inline2057 such that every weak order on X of size tex2html_wrap_inline2041 that violates Cancellation does so for some C(J) with tex2html_wrap_inline2065 . In other words, if tex2html_wrap_inline2067 , then:

(i) there is a weak order tex2html_wrap_inline1051 on X of size tex2html_wrap_inline2041 that violates tex2html_wrap_inline2075 but satisfies C(J) for all tex2html_wrap_inline2079 ;

(ii) every weak order on an X of size tex2html_wrap_inline2041 that satisfies C(J) for tex2html_wrap_inline2087 also satisfies C(K) for all tex2html_wrap_inline2091 for which C(K) is defined for that size and therefore has an additive representation as in (4).

In the comparative probability setting for weak orders, Kraft, Pratt and Seidenberg (1959) proved that X has an additive representation if tex2html_wrap_inline2097 and first-order independence holds, so f(2,2) = f(2,2,2) = f(2,2,2,2) = 2. They showed also that tex2html_wrap_inline2101 for all tex2html_wrap_inline2103 . In the multiattribute setting, Krantz et al. (1971, pp. 427-428) noted that tex2html_wrap_inline2105 for all tex2html_wrap_inline2107 . Little else was known about f until recently.

We summarize here results in Fishburn (1996a, b, c) and note topics for further research. The first two papers focus on tex2html_wrap_inline2111 for all i. Let tex2html_wrap_inline2115 denote tex2html_wrap_inline2117 with n entries. The first paper shows that tex2html_wrap_inline2121 and tex2html_wrap_inline2123 for n = 6,7,8. The latter result is extended to all tex2html_wrap_inline2127 in Fishburn (1996b) by explicit constructions based on a theorem in the first paper that is designed to identify structures that violate C(J) for relatively large J but satisfy all C(J') for small J'. Fishburn (1996a) also shows that for every tex2html_wrap_inline2103 there are weak order cases of comparative probability that violate C(4) but have additive representations whenever one state is deleted, and that there are failures of Cancellation that require tex2html_wrap_inline2141 for some i and j in any corresponding failure of a C(J). In other words, (4) can have no solution when every applicable C(J) holds under the restriction that tex2html_wrap_inline2151 .

Fishburn (1996c) considers tex2html_wrap_inline2153 as well as tex2html_wrap_inline2111 and proves the following upper bound on f:


This is ineffective for the case of tex2html_wrap_inline2105 , but shows in conjunction with the lower bound of the preceding paragraph that tex2html_wrap_inline2163 for all tex2html_wrap_inline2127 . We also prove for n = 2 that tex2html_wrap_inline2169 for all even tex2html_wrap_inline2171 , and tex2html_wrap_inline2173 for all odd tex2html_wrap_inline2175 . The upper bound for these cases is tex2html_wrap_inline2177 .

Two areas for further research are my conjecture that tex2html_wrap_inline2179 for all tex2html_wrap_inline2127 , and derivation of good lower bounds on tex2html_wrap_inline2183 for general sizes. It seems plausible that tex2html_wrap_inline2183 is very close to the upper bound tex2html_wrap_inline2187 for most sizes, but this awaits further study.

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