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Additive measurement

Several seemingly different types of representations are grouped together under this heading because they have an additive character and can be analyzed by similar mathematical methods. A general theory of additive measurement is presented in Fishburn (1992b), where it is applied to a variety of contexts, including positive extensive measurement, additive utility measurement for multiattribute alternatives, difference measurement for strength of preference comparisons, threshold measurement, expected utility, and comparative probability. The paper includes a condition for X of arbitrary cardinality that is necessary and sufficient for the existence of an additive representation. I will describe its approach for threshold measurement in Section 4. The present subsection considers only comparative probability and multiattribute utility to illustrate the additive theme. I include comparative probability under the preference rubric because its relation tex2html_wrap_inline1051 is often defined from preference comparisons. Suppose x and y are uncertain events. Let tex2html_wrap_inline1429 be the gamble that pays $100 if x obtains and $0 otherwise, and similarly for tex2html_wrap_inline1433 . Then the approach promoted by de Finetti (1937) and Savage (1954) defines tex2html_wrap_inline1151 if tex2html_wrap_inline1429 is preferred to tex2html_wrap_inline1433 .

We formulate X for the present discussion as a family of subsets of a universal set tex2html_wrap_inline1443 . For comparative probability, tex2html_wrap_inline1443 is a set of states, members of X are events, and X usually includes the empty event tex2html_wrap_inline1451 and universal event tex2html_wrap_inline1443 . The event set X may or may not be closed under operations like union, intersection, and complementation, and its members can have very different cardinalities.

The set of items to be compared by preference in multiattribute utility theory is a subset A of a Cartesian product set tex2html_wrap_inline1459 with tex2html_wrap_inline1461 . Each tex2html_wrap_inline1463 is a nonempty set, and we assume without loss of generality that the tex2html_wrap_inline1463 are mutually disjoint and every tex2html_wrap_inline1467 appears in at least one n-tuple in A. The universal set tex2html_wrap_inline1443 is defined as tex2html_wrap_inline1475 , and


so every member of X is an n-element subset of tex2html_wrap_inline1443 .

Suppose tex2html_wrap_inline1443 is finite and tex2html_wrap_inline1051 on X is a weak order. The basic additive representation uses tex2html_wrap_inline1491 for


It is common in the multiattribute case to denote the restriction of u on tex2html_wrap_inline1463 by tex2html_wrap_inline1227 so, when tex2html_wrap_inline1499 , tex2html_wrap_inline1501 . Then, when (4) holds, it remains valid when the origin of each tex2html_wrap_inline1227 is translated by adding a constant tex2html_wrap_inline1505 to all tex2html_wrap_inline1227 values. For comparative probability, we assume tex2html_wrap_inline1509 and that the union tex2html_wrap_inline1511 of tex2html_wrap_inline1051 and tex2html_wrap_inline1057 is monotonic, so tex2html_wrap_inline1517 . Then we can take tex2html_wrap_inline1519 and tex2html_wrap_inline1521 when (4) holds, so u becomes a probability distribution on tex2html_wrap_inline1443 . A necessary and sufficient condition for (4) referred to as cancellation, independence, or additivity, was identified first by Kraft, Pratt and Seidenberg (1959):

CANCELLATION: For every pair tex2html_wrap_inline1527 and tex2html_wrap_inline1529 of finite sequences of members of X such that


it is false that tex2html_wrap_inline1533 for tex2html_wrap_inline1535 and tex2html_wrap_inline1537 for some j.

Necessity of Cancellation for (4) follows from the fact that (5) implies


Hence if (4) holds and if Cancellation is violated by tex2html_wrap_inline1533 for all j and tex2html_wrap_inline1537 for some j, summation over j on the right side of (4) followed by cancellation of identical terms leaves the contradiction that 0 > 0. Sufficiency of Cancellation for (4) follows from solution theory for finite systems of linear inequalities by way of a solution-existence theorem known by various names, including the separating hyperplane lemma, the theorem of the alternative, Farkas's lemma, and Motzkin's lemma: see, for example, Scott (1964), Fishburn (1970, 1996a), or Krantz et al. (1971). Essentially the same separation lemma applies when tex2html_wrap_inline1051 is only assumed acyclic or a partial order, with slight modifications in Cancellation. For example, if (4) is to hold when tex2html_wrap_inline1557 is replaced by tex2html_wrap_inline1559 , we replace the last line of Cancellation by ``it is false that tex2html_wrap_inline1537 for all j.''

When (4) holds for finite tex2html_wrap_inline1443 under weak order, u is not generally unique in any simple sense. Special conditions that are not necessary for (4) but which yield simple uniqueness forms, such as absolute uniqueness for subjective probabilities, are described in Fishburn and Roberts (1989) and Fishburn (1989, 1994). Additional discussions of Cancellation for finite tex2html_wrap_inline1443 appears in the next section.

Theories of additive measurement for infinite tex2html_wrap_inline1443 usually assume nicely structured domains, such as tex2html_wrap_inline1573 for additive utility or tex2html_wrap_inline1575 for comparative probability. Most also use existence axioms that simplify cancellation conditions, promote representational uniqueness, and facilitate the derivation or assessment of u. Examples for (4) with tex2html_wrap_inline1573 in the multiattribute case of both the algebraic and topological varieties are detailed in Fishburn (1970), Krantz et al. (1971) and Wakker (1989). Their cancellation conditions use only m = 2 and m = 3 in Cancellation, and their tex2html_wrap_inline1227 functions as defined after (4) are unique up to similar positive affine transformations.

When tex2html_wrap_inline1443 is infinite for the comparative probability case, the weak order representation (4) is usually replaced by (1) in conjunction with tex2html_wrap_inline1589 , and


so that u is a finitely additive probability measure on X. Savage's (1954) elegant axiomatization for this representation assumes tex2html_wrap_inline1575 , weak order, tex2html_wrap_inline1509 , tex2html_wrap_inline1601 for all x, the m = 2 part of Cancellation which says that


and an Archimedean axiom involving finite partitions of tex2html_wrap_inline1443 . The representing measure is unique and satisfies the following divisibility property: if tex2html_wrap_inline1611 then for every tex2html_wrap_inline1613 there is an tex2html_wrap_inline1615 such that tex2html_wrap_inline1617 . Proof are given in Fishburn (1970, 1988) as well as Savage (1954). Survey material on related axiomatizations of comparative probability appears in Section 6 in Fishburn (1994).

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