Information for authors

Final instructions from the IEEE

Authors of accepted papers must adhere to the IEEE Computer Society's instructions for formatting their papers (here are the same instructions in MS-Word format). LaTeX macros are also available.

There is also a copyright form you must Fax to the IEEE Computer Society.

You should have been emailed the above information, along with the ftp site, password and other instructions for actually uploading the paper.

You will also want to see the Call for papers

Review process

All regular papers, tutorial proposals, panel proposals and workshop proposals were reviewed. Regular papers received at least three thorough reviews.

Regular papers were judged based on the following criteria:

  1. Quality of the research or case study: (recognition of prior work; problem well defined; methodology appropriate; evaluation and analysis good; conclusions valid)

  2. Presentation: (easy to read; appropriate length; appropriate use of diagrams, tables etc.; good English; maturity of writing; correct formatting)

  3. Relevance to the conference: (covers some aspect of software education; training or professionalism)

  4. Freshness, interest and impact: (likelihood of this work to be used and referenced by others, to influence them, or to stimulate their thinking.)

Tutorials, panels and workshops were judged primarily based on whether they will be attractive to those attending.