Artificial Intelligence in Program Understanding

Papers by Dr. Timothy C. Lethbridge

Sayyad-Shirabad, J., Lethbridge, T. and Lyon, S. (1997), "A Little Knowledge Can Go a Long Way Towards Program Understanding", International Workshop on Program Understanding, Dearborn, MI., pp. 111-117

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Large, complex software systems are hard to learn and navigate. In an ideal environment, documentation can help in this process. However the latter is usually out of date and hard to use. Others have proposed using large knowledge bases to model software systems, however these are very expensive to build and may be as unmaintainable as the code. In this paper, we propose instead to use a highly circumscribed, small, conceptual knowledge base, whose purpose is to help the apprentice navigate a software system, and facilitate search within the code. We present our vision, and some initial experiments which involve building such a knowledge base in a semi-automated way.

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