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3.17.3 Component Body

   (118) <component_body> ::= <component_export>*

   (119) <component_export> ::= <provides_dcl> “;?| <uses_dcl> “;?| <emits_dcl> “;?| <publishes_dcl> “;?| <consumes_dcl> “;?| <attr_dcl> “;?

   A component forms a naming scope, nested within the scope in which the component is declared. A component body can contain the following kinds of declarations:

   These declarations and their meanings are described in detail in the CORBA Components specification, Component Model chapter, “Facets and Navigation? through “Events? sections. Facets and Navigation

   A component type may provide several independent interfaces to its clients in the form of facets. Facets are intended to be the primary vehicle through which a component exposes its functional application behavior to clients during normal execution. A component may exhibit zero or more facets.


   A facet is declared with the following syntax:

   (120) <provides_dcl> ::= “provides? <interface_type> <identifier>

   (121) <interface_type> ::= <scoped_name>| “Object?

   The interface type shall be either the keyword Object, or a scoped name that denotes a previously-declared interface type which is not a component interface, i.e., is not the interface corresponding to a component definition. The identifier names the facet within the scope of the component, allowing multiple facets of the same type to be provided by the component.

   See the CORBA Components specification, Component Model chapter, “Facets and Navigation? for further details. Receptacles

   A component definition can describe the ability to accept object references upon which the component may invoke operations. When a component accepts an object reference in this manner, the relationship between the component and the referent object is called a connection; they are said to be connected. The conceptual point of connection is called a receptacle. A receptacle is an abstraction that is concretely manifested on a component as a set of operations for establishing and managing connections. A component may exhibit zero or more receptacles.


   The syntax for describing a receptacle is as follows:

   (122) <uses_dcl> ::= “uses? [ “multiple? ]< interface_type> <identifier>

   A receptacle declaration comprises the following elements:

   See the CORBA Components specification, Component Model chapter, “Receptacles? section for further details.