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3.17.2 Component Header

   A <component_header> declares the primary characteristics of a component interface. Syntax

   The syntax for declaring a component header is as follows:

   (115) <component_header> ::= “component? <identifier> [ <component_inheritance_spec> ] [ <supported_interface_spec> ]

   (116)<supported_interface_spec> ::= “supports? <scoped_name> { “,? <scoped_name> }* (117)<component_inheritance_spec>::= “:? <scoped_name>

   A component header comprises the following elements: Supported interfaces

   A component may optionally support one or more interfaces. When a component definition header includes a supports clause as follows:

   component <component_name> supports <interface_name> { … };

   For further detail see the CORBA Components specification, chapter 1, section 1.4.5 (Supported Interfaces). Component Inheritance

   A component may optionally inherit from a component that supports one or more interfaces. This is specified by using the inheritance construct that looks like:

   component <component_name> : <component_name> { ... };

   The following rules apply to component inheritance:

    See Section, “Component Inheritance,? on page 3-60 for details of component inheritance.