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23.3.6 Replication Manager

   The Replication Manager inherits three application program interfaces: PropertyManager, ObjectGroupManager, and GenericFactory. The methods inherited from the PropertyManager interface allow definition of properties associated with object groups created by the Replication Manager. The operations inherited from the ObjectGroupManager interface allow an application to exercise control over the addition, removal, and location of members of an object group. The operations inherited from the GenericFactory interface allow the Replication Manager to create and delete object groups.

   The ReplicationManager interface provides operations that allow the Fault Notifier to register with the Replication Manager and that allow the application or Fault Tolerance Infrastructure to get the reference of the Fault Notifier subsequently. This interface may be extended with similar methods for other components of the Fault Tolerance Infrastructure by the vendors of the Fault Tolerance Infrastructure.

   Note that the ReplicationManager interface does not contain register_fault_monitor() or get_fault_monitor() operations. The reason is that typically there will be several fault monitors (detectors) within a fault tolerance domain, for example, a fault detector on each of the individual hosts that monitors the objects on that host, and a fault detector for the fault tolerance domain that monitors the fault detectors and the hosts within that domain. Therefore, the means of obtaining the references to the fault monitors is not specified. The Naming Service or Trader Service could be used to obtain the references to the various fault monitors.

   module FT { interface ReplicationManager : PropertyManager, ObjectGroupManager, GenericFactory { void register_fault_notifier(in FaultNotifier fault_notifier);

   FaultNotifier get_fault_notifier()raises (InterfaceNotFound);};}; Operations


   This operation registers the Fault Notifier with the Replication Manager.

   void register_fault_notifier(in FaultNotifier fault_notifier);



   This operation returns the reference of the Fault Notifier.

   FaultNotifier get_fault_notifier()raises (InterfaceNotFound);

   Return Value

   The reference of the Fault Notifier.


   InterfaceNotFound if the Fault Notifier is not found.