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20.3 Locality of the Bridge

   The COM/CORBA Part A specification states that the interworking be performed local to the COM or Automation client or server since, at the time, COM objects could only communicate within the same machine. Thus, the possibility for the location of the view was limited to those in Figure 20-1.

   Figure 20-1 COM/CORBA Part A Configurations

   The addition of support for DCOM removes the requirement that the interworking occur in the COM environment. The use of DCOM adds four possibilities for the location of the view (see Figure 20-2 on page 20-5). Note that the communications between the view and the CORBA server or client is still performed as per existing OMG specifications.

   The performance issues described above relate, in particular, to the first and third configuration shown in Figure 20-2. The scalability issues can affect any of these configurations provided that objects are being passed through multiple different bridges or through an intermediate object system.


   Figure 20-2 COM/CORBA Part B Additional Configurations