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20.1.1 COM/CORBA Part A

   The COM/CORBA Part A specifications (see the Interworking Architecture chapter, Mapping: COM and CORBA chapter, and Mapping Automation and CORBA chapter) address most of the requirements of this Part B specification. The basic architecture and approach is sound. And, in general DCOM requires few changes to existing COM programs. With appropriate changes in the COM Registry, legacy COM client and server applications can operate unchanged in a DCOM environment. However, due to limitations of DCOM and DCOM Automation, a number of performance and scalability issues arise when interworking with CORBA using only the COM/CORBA Part A specification. The primary purpose of this specification is to address these issues; in particular this specification focuses on addressing the issues related to using native DCOM and DCOM Automation clients with CORBA servers. Note that readers are expected to be familiar with the terminology used in the other COM/CORBA specifications.