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20.2.1 Performance Issues

   When accessing DCOM views of CORBA servers through DCOM (i.e., the DCOM client and DCOM view are not co-located), major performance issues arise for two primary reasons:

   The COM/CORBA Part A specification maps CORBA pseudo objects into regular COM and Automation objects since there is no equivalent to pseudo objects in COM or Automation. In the Automation mapping, structs and unions are also mapped to objects since there is no Automation equivalent construct (essentially structs and unions are also handled as pseudo objects). When these pseudo objects are passed to a remote DCOM client that uses standard DCOM marshaling, all access to all members require a remote call. For example, a DCOM Automation client accessing the members of a structure would make one remote call for each get or set of a structure member. This, of course, introduces a significant performance bottleneck.