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Entity > Physical > Process > Motion > DirectionChange
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DirectionChange comparison table
Subject documentation is a kind of have axiom
MotionAny Process of movementProcess
(instance ?MOTION Motion)
(patient ?MOTION ?OBJ)
(destination ?MOTION ?PLACE))
(holdsDuring (ImmediateFutureFn (WhenFn ?MOTION)) (located ?OBJ ?PLACE)))
DirectionChangeThe act of changing the direction in which the patient of the act is orientedMotion
(instance ?PROC DirectionChange)
(exists (?ATTR)
(instance ?ATTR DirectionAttribute)
(holdsDuring (ImmediatePastFn (WhenFn ?PROC)) (attribute ?PROC ?ATTR))
(holdsDuring (ImmediateFutureFn (WhenFn ?PROC)) (not (attribute ?PROC ?ATTR))))
(holdsDuring (ImmediateFutureFn (WhenFn ?PROC)) (attribute ?PROC ?ATTR))
(holdsDuring (ImmediatePastFn (WhenFn ?PROC)) (not (attribute ?PROC ?ATTR))))))))

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