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transition metal comparison table
Subject has pronunciation has space group has thermal neutron capture cross section has rigidity modulu has isotope mass range has heat of vaporization has discoverer has thermal conductivity has discovery date has occurrence has name origin has linear expansion coefficient has heat of fusion has specimen has main mining area has daily dietary intake has lethal intake has ocean residence time has mineral has melting point has neutron scattering length has origin has Curie temperature has image has ocean concentration has covalent radii has symbol name origin has term symbol has crystal cell dimension has mass of element in person has poisson's ratio has reserve has ocean oxidation state is a kind of has young's modulu has state has heat capacity has bulk modulu has molar volume has definition has boiling point has hazard has biological role has ionic radii has electrical resistivity has relative atomic mass has chief source has electron affinity has density has registry number has atomic radii has mass magnetic susceptibility has discovery location has number of isotope has toxic intake has abundance has atomic emission line reacts with has longest lived isotope has symbol has use has crystal type has world production has electron configuration has number of proton has mass absorption coefficient has level in human has electronegativity has lifetime
cadmium         in sulfide minerals       30 years     increasing with depth       IIrecycled oceanic element                                   
chromiumkroh-mi-uhmIm3m3.1 barns115.3 GPa45 to 57348.78 kJ mol-1Nicholas Louis Vauquelin93.7 W m-1 K-1 at 300 K1780in sulfide mineralschroma = colour from Greek6.2 × 10-6 K-115.3 kJ mol-1chips, chunks, crystallites or powder. Safe.Turkey, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Russia, Philipipines0.01 - 1.2 mg70 mg kg-1 metal taken oraly in humans10000 yearschromite, crocoite2130 ± 20 K0.3635 × 10-12 cm  increasing with depth  7S3 in ground statea = 288.46 pm14 mg for a 70 kg average person0.21 GPa1 × 109 tonnesVIrecycled oceanic element279 GPa 20.79 J K-1 mol-1 for gas at constant pressure 0.1 MPa at 298.15 K160.2 GPa7.23 cm3hard, blue-white metal which resists oxidation in air, can be polished to a high shine2945 Kpoison by ingestion, suspected carcinogen, chromates are corrosive to tissueessential to some species, including humans, stimulates metabolism84 pm for Cr2+12.7 × 10-8 Ω m at 293 K51.9961 in units of 12C = 12.000chromite64.3 kJ mol-1 from Cr to Cr-6460 kg m-3 for liquid at 2130 K melting point7440-47-3 for Chemical Abstracts System database125 pm+4.45 × 10-8 kg-1 m3 for solidParis, France13 including nuclear isomers200 mg2.5 × 10-4 p.p.m. in deep Pacific seawater520.844 nm for Cr IHCL and H2SO4 by disolvingchromium 52Cralloys, plating and metal ceramicsb.c.c.9.6 × 106 tonnes year-1 for chromite ore[Ar]3d54s1 in ground state2431.1 cm2 g-1 for MoKalpha X-ray diffraction0.024 - 0.84 p.p.m. in muscle1.66 Pauling 
cobaltkoh-boltP63/mmc for ε-Co37.2 barns82 GPa35m to 64382.4 kJ mol-1Georg Brandt100 W m-1 K-1 at 300 K1735in planet metallic core and associated with ironkobald = goblin from German13.36 × 10-6 K-115.2 kJ mol-1foil, pieces, powder, rod and wire. Care !Zaire, Morocco, Sweden, Canada0.005 - 1.8 mg80 mg kg-1 chloride ingested by rat40 yearscobaltite, erythrite, glaucodot, linnaerite, skutterudite (smaltite)1768 K0.278 × 10-12 cm  decreasing with depth116 pm 4F9/2 in ground statea = 250.7, c = 406.9 pm for ε-Co3 mg for a 70 kg average person0.32 GPa IIscavenged oceanic element211 GPa 23.020 J K-1 mol-1 for gas at constant pressure 0.1 MPa at 298.15 K181.5 GPa6.62 cm3lustrous, silvery-blue, hard metal which is also ferromagnetic. Cobalt 60 is an important radioisotope3143 Kcompounds have low toxicity when ingested, but produce vomiting. Suspected carcinogen.essential to most species, including humans82 pm for Co2+6.24 × 10-8 Ω m at 293 K58.93320 in units of 12C = 12.000cobaltite, skutterudite63.8 kJ mol-1 from Co to Co-7670 kg m-3 for liquid at 293 K at melting point7440-48-4 for Chemical Abstracts System database125 pmferromagneticStockholm, Sweden17 including nuclear isomers500 mg1.1 × 10-6 p.p.m. in deep Pacific seawater356.938 nm for Co Idilute acidscobalt 59Comagnet alloys, ceramics, catalysts and paintsh.c.p. for ε-Co17000 tonnes year-1[Ar]3d74s2 in ground state2742.5 cm2 g-1 for MoKalpha X-ray diffraction0.028 - 0.65 p.p.m. in muscle1.88 Pauling 
copper         ocean       3000 years     increasing with depth       IIrecycled oceanic element                                   
gold         in planet metallic core and associated with iron       unknown   exploding core of a supernova unknown       Isupernova produced element                                   
hafnium         ocean       unknown     unknown       IVunclassified oceanic element                                   
inner transition metal                                 transition metal                                   
iridium         in planet metallic core and associated with iron                      siderophile element                                   
ironiy-on ?Im3m for δ-Fe2.56 barns81 GPa for steel49 to 63351.0 kJ mol-1 80.2 W m-1 K-1 at 300 K2500 planet metallic core and associated with ironiron from Anglo-Saxon12.3 × 10-6 K-114.9 kJ mol-1chips, filings, foil, granules, powder and wire. Safe.USA, Canada, Sweden, South Africa, Russia, India, Japan6 - 40 mg7 - 35 grams98 yearsgoethite, hematite, lepidocrocite, magnetite, siderite, ...1808 K0.954 × 10-12 cm  increasing with depth116 pmferrum = iron from Latin5D4 in ground statea = 293.22 pm for δ-Fe4.2 kg for a 70 kg average person0.27 GPa for steel1.1 × 1011 tonnesIIIrecycled oceanic element208 GPa for steel 25.677 J K-1 mol-1 for gas at constant pressure 0.1 MPa at 298.15 K160 GPa for steel7.09 cm3lustrous, silvery and soft or workable metal when absolutely pure3023 Kdeficiency leads to anemia but excess causes liver and kidney damageessential to all species82 pm for Fe3+9.71 × 10-8 Ω m at 293 K55.845 in units of 12C = 12.000hematite, magnetite, goethite, lepidocrocite, siderite15.7 kJ mol-1 from Fe to Fe-7035 kg m-3 for liquid at 1808 K melting point7439-89-6 for Chemical Abstracts System database124 pmferromagnetic 16 including nuclear isomers200 mg Iron (II) compounds are more toxic than iron (III)1 × 10-4 p.p.m. in deep Pacific seawater385.991 nm for Fe I (strong)dilute acids by disolvingiron 56Festeel etc...b.c.c. for δ-Fe7.16 × 108 tonnes year-1[Ar]3d64s2 in ground state2638.5 cm2 g-1 for MoKα X-ray diffraction180 p.p.m. in muscle1.83 Pauling 
manganeseman-gan-eezI-43m for α-Mn13.3 barns79.5 GPa49 to 62219.7 kJ mol-1J.G. Gahn7.82 W m-1 K-1 at 300 K1774 (isolated)in sulfide mineralsmagnes = magnet from Latin or magnesia nigri = black magnesia (MnO2)22 × 10-6 K-114.4 kJ mol-1chips, flake or powder. Safe.South Africa, Russia, Gabon, Australia, Brazil0.4 - 10 mg1715 mg kg-1 for chloride in mouse50 yearsbixbyite, managanite, pyrolusite, rhodochrosite, rhodonite (jewelry), romanechite1517 K-0.373 × 10-12 cm  decreasing with depth117 pm 6S5/2 in ground statea = 891.39 pm for α-Mn12 mg for a 70 kg average person0.24 GPa3.6 × 109 tonnes (plus ocean floor nodules which are 24% Mn)IIscavenged oceanic element191 GPa 20.79 J K-1 mol-1 for gas at constant pressure 0.1 MPa at 298.15 Kn.a. GPa7.38 cm3hard, brittle, silvery metal2235 Kcompounds are experimental carcinogens and teratogensessential to all species91 pm for Mn2+185.0 × 10-8 Ω m at 298 K54.93805 in units of 12C = 12.000pyrolusite, romanechite (also known as psilomelane), manganite (useful but rare)less than 0 kJ mol-1 from Mn to Mn-6430 kg m-3 for liquid at 2235 K melting point7439-96-5 for Chemical Abstracts System database124 pm+1.21 × 10-7 kg-1 m3 for solidStockholm, Sweden15 including nuclear isomersslighly toxic by ingestion0.4 × 10-4 p.p.m. in deep Pacific seawater403.449 nm for Mn Idilute acids by dissolvingmanganese 55Mnsteel production, ceramics, feed supplements and fertilizer additivesb.c.c. for α-Mn6.22 × 106 tonnes year-1[Ar]3d54s2 in ground state2534.7 cm2 g-1 for MoKalpha X-ray diffraction0.2 - 2.3 p.p.m. in muscle1.55 Pauling 
mercury         ocean       103 years or less     decreasing with depth       IIscavenged oceanic element liquid at standard temperature and pressure                                 
molybdenum         ocean       600000 years     depth indenpendent       VIaccumulating oceanic element                                   
nickelnik-elFm3m4.49 barns76.0 GPa53 to 67371.8 kJ mol-1A.F. Cronstedt90.7 W m-1 K-1 at 300 K1751in planet metallic core and associated with ironkupfernickel = Devil's copper or St Nicholas's copper from German13.3 × 10-6 K-117.6 kJ mol-1foil, powder, rod, slugs, spheres and wire. Safe.garnierite in Russia, South Africa, USA; pentlandite in Canada, South Africa0.3 - 0.5 mg350 mg kg-1 in rat for nickel acetate80000 yearsgarnierite, millerite, nickeline, pentlandite, nickel-iron meteorites1726 K1.03 × 10-12 cm 633 Kincreasing with depth115 pm 3F4 in ground statea = 352.38 pm15 mg for a 70 kg average person0.312 GPa70 × 106 tonnesIIrecycled oceanic element199.5 GPa 23.359 J K-1 mol-1 for gas at constant pressure 0.1 MPa at 298.15 K177.3 GPa6.59 cm3corrosion resistant, silvery-white, lustrous, malleable and ductile metal3005 Knickel carbonyl is extremely toxicessential to some species, and can act to stimulate metabolism62 pm for Ni3+6.84 × 10-8 Ω m at 293 K58.6934 in units of 12C = 12.000garnierite, pentlandite156 kJ mol-1 from Ni to Ni-7780 kg m-3 for liquid at 1726 K boiling point7440-02-0 for Chemical Abstracts System database125 pmferromagneticStockholm, Sweden14 including nuclear isomers1 - 3 mg kg-15.7 × 10-4 p.p.m. in deep Pacific seawater361.939 nm for Ni Iacids by disolving except for concentrated HNO3nickel 58Nialloys, especially stainless steel, coins, metal plating and catalystsf.c.c.510000 tonnes year-1[Ar]3d84s2 in ground state2846.6 cm2 g-1 for MoKα X-ray diffraction1 - 2 p.p.m. in muscle1.91 Pauling 
niobium         ocean       unknown     unknown       Vunclassified oceanic element                                   
osmium                                transition metal                                   
palladium         ocean       50000 years     increasing with depth       IIrecycled oceanic element                                   
platinum         in planet metallic core and associated with iron       unknown   exploding core of a supernova unknown       IIsupernova produced element                                   
rhenium         ocean       unknown     unknown       IIIunclassified oceanic element                                   
rhodium                                transition metal                                   
ruthenium                                transition metal                                   
scandium         ocean       5000 years     increasing with depth       III]recycled oceanic element                                   
silver         in sulfide minerals       5000 years     increasing with depth       Irecycled oceanic element                                   
tantalum         ocean       unknown     unknown       Vunclassified oceanic element                                   
technetium                                synthetic element                                   
titaniumtit-ayn-iuhmP63/mmc for α-Ti6.09 barns45.6 GPa41 to 53428.9 kJ mol-1Rev. W. Gregor21.9 W m-1 K-1 at 300 K1791oceanTitans = the sons of the Earth goddess from Greek8.35 × 10-6 K-120.9 kJ mol-1crystals, foil, granules, powder, rod or wire. Safe.Norway, India, Brazil, Canada, USA, Russia0.8 mgnon-lethal50anatase, brookite, ilmenite, perovskite, rutile, titanite1933 K-0.3438 × 10-12 cm  unknown132 pm 3F2 in ground statea = 295.11, c = 468.43 pm for α-Ti20 mg for a 70 kg average person0.361 GPa440 × 106 tonnesIVunclassified oceanic element120.2 GPa 24.430 J K-1 mol-1 for gas at constant pressure 0.1 MPa at 298.15 K108.4 GPa10.55 cm3hard, lustrous, silvery metal which resists corrosion due to an oxide layer on its surface3560 Ksome compounds are dangerous to handle, such as TiCl3, which is corrosive. Suspected carcinogen.none80 pm for Ti2+42.0 × 10-8 Ω m at 293 K47.867 in units of 12C = 12.000ilmenite; sometimes anatase7.6 kJ mol-1 from Ti to Ti-4110 kg m-3 for liquid at 1933 K melting point7440-32-6 for Chemical Abstracts System database145 pm+4.01 × 10-8 kg-1 m3 for solidCreed, Cornwall, England13 including nuclear isomerslow as metal, oxide (TiO2) and inorganic titanium (IV) salts4.8 × 10-4 p.p.m. in seawater399.864 nm for Ti Iair if powdered metal is ignitedtitanium 48Tichemical plants, lightweight alloys, hip replacement jointsh.c.p. for α-Ti3 × 106 tonnes year-1 TiO2[Ar]3d24s2 in ground state2224.2 cm2 g-1 for MoKalpha X-ray diffraction0.9 - 2.2 p.p.m. in muscle1.54 Pauling 
tungsten         ocean       unknown     unknown       VIunclassified oceanic element                                   
vanadiumvan-ay-di-uhmIm3m5.08 barns46.7 GPa44 to 55458.6 kJ mol-1A.M. del Rio30.7 W m-1 K-1 at 300 K1801oceanVanadis = Scandinavian goddess from Scandinavian8.3 × 10-6 K-117.6 kJ mol-1foil, granules, powder, rod, turnings. Care !not mined as such, obtained as ore by-product and from Venezuelan oils0.04 mg10 mg kg-1 V2O5 ingested by rat50000 yearscarnotite, descloizite, patronite, vanadinite2160 K-0.0382 × 10-12 cm  increasing with depth  4F3/2 in ground statea = 302.40 pm0.11 mg for a 70 kg average person0.365 GPa Vrecycled oceanic element127.6 GPa 26.012 J K-1 mol-1 for gas at constant pressure 0.1 MPa at 298.15 K158 GPa8.34 cm3shiny, silvery metal, soft when pure. Resists corrosion due to a protective film of oxide3650 Kmutagenic effect in some experimental compoundsessential to some species including humans; stimulates metabolism72 pm for V2+24.8 × 10-8 Ω m at 293 K50.9415 in units of 12C = 12.000descloizite, patronite, vanadinite, carnotite50.7 kJ mol-1 from V to V-5550 kg m-3 for liquid at 2160 K melting point7440-62-2 for Chemical Abstracts System database132 pm+6.28 × 10-8 kg-1 m3 for solidMexico City, Mexico11 including nuclear isomersvaries1.8 × 10-3 p.p.m. in deep Pacific seawater399.864 nm for V Iconcentrated acidsvanadium 51Valloys, especially in steelb.c.c.7000 tonnes year-1[Ar]3d34s2 in ground state2327.5 cm2 g-1 for MoKalpha X-ray diffraction0.02 p.p.m. in muscle1.63 Pauling 
yttrium         ocean       unknown     unknown       IIIunclassified oceanic element                                   
zinc         in sulfide minerals       5000 years     increasing with depth       IIrecycled oceanic element                                   
zirconium         ocean       unknown     unknown       IVunclassified oceanic element                                   

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