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phase transition comparison table
Subject has initial phase has final phase has definition
first order phase transition  A phase transition which occurs in a manner similar to the way water boils. Bubbles of the new phase (steam) form in the midst of the old phase (water), so that temporarily the two distinct phases (steam and water) coexist.
second order phase transition  A phase transition where one phase evolves into the other as the temperature changes, so the two phases never coexist.
spontaneous symmetry breaking  Any situation in physics in which the ground state (i.e. the state of minimum energy) of a system has less symmetry than the system itself. For example, the state of minimum energy for an iron magnet is that in which the atomic spins are all aligned in the same direction, giving rise to a net macroscopic magnetic field. By selecting a particular direction in space. the magnetic field has broken the rotational symmetry of the system. However, if the energy of the system is raised, the symmetry may be restored (e.g. the application of heat to an iron magnet destroys the magnetic field and restores rotational symmetry).

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