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optical space telescope comparison table
Subject has launch date has reference has purpose has extent has orbital period is an instance of has velocity has focal ratio has ground communication station has location has mounting manufacturer has owner has angular momentum has mirror maker have orbit decay date has acronym has temperature has primary mirror shape has elliptical orbit has mirror diameter has creator has mirror type has orbital inclination has angular resolving power has aperture has launch vehicle orbit has optical design has effective diameter has volume has momentum has attitude control has material has wavelength sensitivity has creation date has mass has operator has mount has launch location has secondary mirror shape has definition has approximately elliptical orbit
Hubble Space Telescope1986Hubble Space Telescope from CADCobserve celestial objects  optical telescope f/12.9, 30, 48, 96 Earth orbitLockheedSpace Telescope Science Institute Perkin Elmer HST concave hyperboloid500 km altitude, 35 degree inclinationequal to aperture (except for Schmidt which has aperture smaller than mirror diameter) Corning ULE glass 0.05 arcseconds2.4 m Earth 2.1 meters    300 to 1000 nanometers1990  3-axis-stabilized spacecraft convex hyperboloidHubble Space Telescope. A space-based reflecting telescope with a primary mirror diameter of 2.4 m (94 in) capable of high-resolution imaging from the far ultraviolet to the near infrared. A joint NASA/ESA mission. Launched in 1990 with a planned lifetime of 15 years. Encountered reduced performance when the mirror was found to have spherical aberration. Solved by the installation of corrective optics (COSTAR) in 1994. 

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