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physical object > natural object > celestial body > collection of stars > star system > binary star > close binary > nova
Next cataclysmic variablepulsating nova    Upcataclysmic variable, close binary, emission line star    Previous cataclysmic variableflare star   

novacan become naked eye star2001-09-27 09:30:43.0
has energy release 1044 ergshas source: Hopkins, J. 1976 Glossary of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago Press, 2001-09-27 09:30:43.0
has use nova peak brightness distance determination2001-09-27 09:30:43.0
has definition A star that brightens suddenly and to an unprecedented degree, creating the impression that a new star has appeared where none was before. Hence the name, from nova for "new". See supernova.has source: Ferris, T. 1988 Coming of Age in the Milky Way, Morrow, 2001-09-27 09:30:43.0
has definition A star that exhibits a sudden surge of energy, temporarily increasing its luminosity by as much as 14 mag. (Since 1925 novae have been given variable star designations.) Novae are old disk-population stars. Unlike supernovae, novae retain their stellar form and most of their substance after the outburst. All known common novae are found in close binary systems with one component a cool red giant and the other a hot, less massive object which is the seat of the instability.has source: Hopkins, J. 1976 Glossary of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago Press, 2001-09-27 09:30:43.0
has definition A stars that undergoes an explosion during which its brightness increases by up to ten magnitudes. Usually the following phases are distinguished (in order of time): pre-maximum, principal, diffuse enhanced, Orion, nebular and post-nova.has source: Jaschek, C., Jaschek, M. 1995 The Behavior of Chemical Elements in Stars, Cambridge University Press, 2001-09-27 09:30:43.0
is a kind of cataclysmic variable2001-09-27 09:30:43.0
is a kind of close binary2001-09-27 09:30:43.0
is a kind of emission line star2001-09-27 09:30:43.0
emission line starhas emission line2001-09-27 09:30:27.0
cataclysmic variablehas synonym eruptive variable2001-09-27 09:30:40.0
has synonym explosive variable2001-09-27 09:30:40.0
has peak brightness2001-09-27 09:30:40.0
has recovery time2001-09-27 09:30:40.0
has outburst start time2001-09-27 09:30:40.0
has acronym CV2001-09-27 09:30:40.0
binary starhas number of stars 22001-09-27 09:30:54.0
has orbital period2001-09-27 09:30:31.0
starhas star surface temperature2001-09-27 09:30:25.0
has spectral type2001-09-27 09:30:25.0
has V magnitude2001-09-27 09:30:25.0
has B magnitude2001-09-27 09:30:25.0
has U magnitude2001-09-27 09:30:25.0
has position on celestial sphere from the point of view of Earth2001-09-27 09:30:25.0
has parallax from the point of view of Earth's orbit2001-09-27 09:30:25.0
has proper motion2001-09-27 09:30:24.0
has radiation at surface which is diffused out from the hotter core2001-09-27 09:30:24.0
has energy source gravitational contraction and or fusion2001-09-27 09:30:24.0
has energy production which takes place primarily within the core2001-09-27 09:30:24.0
has surface density which depends on luminosity class2001-09-27 09:30:24.0
has surface temperature greater than 1000 Kelvin2001-09-27 09:30:24.0
has apparent magnitude2001-09-27 09:30:25.0
has absolute magnitude2001-09-27 09:30:25.0
has age2001-09-27 09:30:25.0
has catalog star catalog2001-09-27 09:30:25.0
has material hydrogen, helium2001-09-27 09:30:24.0
has velocity determined from proper motion and radial velocity2001-09-27 09:30:25.0
has mass greater than 0.08 the sun's mass2001-09-27 09:30:24.0
star systemhas abundance half the stars in the solar neighborhood are members of star systems2001-09-27 09:30:54.0
celestial bodyhas spectra2001-09-27 09:30:09.0
variablehas name designated with
  1. R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, or Z and the genitive of the latin constellation name
  2. RR, RS, RT, RU, RV, RW, RX, RY, or RZ and the genitive of the latin constellation name when the single letter designations are exhausted
  3. AA...AZ, BB...BZ, etc. (omitting J), which ends with QQ...QZ and the genitive of the latin constellation namewhen the RR...RZ designations are exhausted
  4. V 335, V 336, etc., when the double letter designations are exhausted
2001-09-27 09:30:34.0
has observational problem some difficulty in distinguishing between various kinds2001-09-27 09:30:34.0
has observable variation time scale within a period of decadeshas URL:, 2001-09-27 09:30:34.0
has light curve2001-09-27 09:30:34.0
has optical brightness variation 0.2 magnitudes or greater2001-09-27 09:30:34.0
has amplitude2001-09-27 09:30:34.0
physical objecthas location or center of gravity2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has angular momentum2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has momentum2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has temperature2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has volume2001-09-27 09:27:27.0
has extent2001-09-27 09:27:27.0

Kinds of nova :

Next cataclysmic variablepulsating nova    Upcataclysmic variable, close binary, emission line star    Previous cataclysmic variableflare star