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nebula comparison table
Subject has composition has definition has density
dark nebula A relatively dense cloud of interstellar matter whose dust particles obscure the light from stars beyond it and give the cloud the appearance of a region devoid of stars.up to 104 particles per cm3
H II regionionized hydrogenRegion of ionized hydrogen in interstellar space. H II regions occur near stars with high luminosities and high surface temperatures. The kinetic temperature of H II regions is about 10,000-20,000 K, and the density is about 10 atoms per cm3. Ionized hydrogen, of course, having no electron, does not produce spectral lines; however, occasionally a free electron will be captured by a free proton and the resulting radiation can be studied optically (see also radio recombination lines). 
reflection nebula A cloud of interstellar gas and dust whose spectrum contains absorption lines characteristic of the spectrum of nearby illuminating stars. The emission component of its spectrum is due to gas; the reflection component, to dust (see also diffuse nebula). 

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