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lookback time
lookback timehas definition Phenomenon that, owing to the finite velocity of light, the more distant an object being observed, the older is the information received from it. A galaxy one billion light-years away, for instance, is seen as it looked one billion years ago.has source: Ferris, T. 1988 Coming of Age in the Milky Way, Morrow, 2001-09-27 09:33:25.0
has definition The time in the past at which the light we now receive from a distant object was emitted. Galaxies of a certain type (redshift and luminosity) can be seen only at a certain distance.has source: Hopkins, J. 1976 Glossary of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago Press, 2001-09-27 09:33:25.0
is an instance of time2001-09-27 09:33:25.0
timehas unit time unit2001-09-27 09:33:25.0
numberhas value2001-09-27 09:32:57.0