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hydroxyl radical comparison table
Subject has decompostion temperature is a kind of is an instance of has definition has symbol
diatomic molecule< 10000 Kmolecule a molecule containing only two atoms which can be of different elements 
interstellar molecule molecule Molecule present in interstellar space. As of late 1974, at least 33 molecular species had been identified with reasonable certainty. 
hydroxyl radical< 10000 K diatomic moleculeAn interstellar molecule first detected in 1963 at a wavelength of 18 cm. The four transitions that occur near 18 cm are caused by the splitting of the ground level. Galactic OH sources have been divided into three classes according to whether the OH emission is strongest in the main lines, particularly at 1665 MHz (Class 1), whether the emission and absorption are highly anomalous only in the satellite lines (Class 2) (Class 2a, 1720-line emitters; Class 2b, 1612-line emitters), or whether there is only absorption in all four lines (Class 3).OH

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