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electromagnetic telescope comparison table
Subject has launch date has reference has orbital period has latitude has ground communication station has altitude has mounting manufacturer has mirror maker have orbit decay date has temperature has primary mirror shape has element separation has mirror diameter has mirror type has orbital inclination has aperture orbit has launch vehicle has optical design has number of element is a kind of has attitude control has mount has longitude has launch location has secondary mirror shape has definition has element aperture has approximately elliptical orbit
array telescope                    electromagnetic telescope     a telescope composed of an array of separete individual elements acting in concert  
Earth based telescope   in degrees, minutes, seconds (N or S) height above sea level in metersthe person, company or institution that constructed the mounting  ambient          electromagnetic telescope designed to operate within a 1 g gravitational fieldin degrees, minutes, seconds (E or W)  A telescope located on the surface of the Earth.  
optical telescope astroweb                  electromagnetic telescope        
radio telescope astroweb                  electromagnetic telescope     A device for gathering and amplifying radio energy typically by using a metallic dish antenna  
reflector       the person, company or institution that created the mirror    equal to aperture (except for Schmidt which has aperture smaller than mirror diameter)material and other engineering details or primary mirror diameter    electromagnetic telescope     A device for gathering and amplifying light or other energy by means of a mirror.  
space telescope                a more massive physical object   artificial satellite        

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