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Zeta Ophiuchi comparison table
Subject has spectral type is part of has surface temperature is an instance of has rotation velocity has rotational velocity has color has symbol has distance has absorption line has relative abundance has lifetime is a kind of has synonym has definition has luminosity class
dwarf  greater than 1000 Kelvin    d    starmain sequence starStar with mass equal to or less than that of the sun. More generally, any star on or below the main sequence in the Hertzprung-Russell diagram.V
O starO, B, A, and early F 35000 K very high blue-white  He IIrare3 to 6 million yearsearly star Very hot blue star, whose spectra is dominated by the lines of singly ionized helium (see Pickering series). (Most other lines are from at least doubly ionized elements, though H and He I lines are also present.) O stars are useful because they are found in dust clouds and virtually define the spiral arms. 
Zeta OphiuchiO9.5 VOphiuchus35000 Kdwarfvery high396 km s-1blue-whited170 pcHe IIrare3 to 6 million years main sequence starA reddened O star (a runaway star from the Sco-Cen association) with a high rotational velocity. It is well known for its strong interstellar absorption lines in the visible part of the spectrum.V

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