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Subject has absolute zero is named after has proposal date has definition has triple point of water is a kind of has boiling point of water is an instance of
temperature unit-has source: Jerrard, H.G., McNeill, D.B. 1992 Dictionary of Scientific Units, Chapman and Hall  A temperature unit is a measure of the average kinetic energy per degree of freedom of the constituent molecules.-has source: Jerrard, H.G., McNeill, D.B. 1992 Dictionary of Scientific Units, Chapman and Hallunit  
Reaumur-218.52R. A. F. Reaumur (1683-1757)1730An arbitrary scale in which the freezing and boiling points of water are taken to be 0 and 80°R respectively. The scale is based on the thermal expansion of an alcohol and water mixture. If the 'length' is 1000 units at the ice point the length expands to 1080 units at the boiling point, hence the peculiar figure of 80 in this scale.0 80temperature unit

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