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Juno comparison table
Subject has rotation period is a kind of is an instance of has orbital period has diameter has inclination has semi-major axi has albedo has definition has eccentricity
asteroid celestial body      Also called planetoids or minor planets, the asteroids are tiny planets most of which orbit the Sun between Mars and Jupiter. The largest - and the first discovered - is Ceres, with a diameter of 1,003 km. It is estimated that there may altogether be no fewer than 40000. A few have very elliptical orbits and cross the orbits of several other (major) planets. One or two even have their own satellites (moons). 
Juno7h.21 asteroidP = 1594 days250 kmi = 13°.0a = 2.67 AU0.2An asteroid with a relatively large albedo.e = 0.256

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